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    青岛农业大学外国语学院,Communication in International Business,Instructor: 王青,Email : yingyu_QQ :475216449,Grading:,There will be a final term test which will have a weight of 80%, in-class performance 10%, presentation 10%.,课程名称:Communication in International BusinessCommunicating in International Business教材名称:English for International Business Communication 外经贸英语函电上海对外贸易学院 甘鸿,Evolution of the Status of Trade,士 农 工 商士 Scholar,Official农 Farmer,Peasant工 Artisan 商 Merchant,The Origin of International Trade,贸易”一词的来源是商君书开塞“二者名贸实易,不可不察”,意思是二者表面相仿,实际却以差易换好,不可不觉察。从商鞅的话中显然可以看出,他并不喜欢商贾,可这样一句批评商人的话,后来被缩写成“贸易”,且失去了原来的贬义,变为了中性词。,The Definition of International Trade,International trade is the worldwide exchange of goods and services among nations. 国际贸易(International Trade)是指不同国家(和/或地区)之间的商品和劳务的交换活动。国际贸易是商品和劳务的国际转移。,Reading makes a full man; Conference, a ready man; Writing, an exact man.读书使一个人丰富;讨论可使一个人成熟;写作使一个人精确。,学习方法(怎样学),外贸函电是一门实践操作性很强的课程。也就是说,要达到正确拟写外贸业务信函的目的,仅有理论是远远不够的,大家必须学习大量外贸实务中有一定代表性的信函,深入体会何为七个“CS”写作的基础理论知识,更重要的是通过学习信例,熟悉大量外贸业务中各个环节中常用语,包括词汇、短语、句型以及习惯表达方式等等,再通过一定量的练习,对常用语进行操练运用,从而达到掌握并熟练使用的目的。,Outline,Chapter 1 Introduction Unit 1 Business Letter Writing Chapter 2 Establishing Business Relations Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations Unit 3 Status Enquiries,Chapter 3 Negotiation of a contractUnit 4 Enquiries And Replies Unit 5 Sending Proforma Invoice Unit 7 Quotations, Offers And Counter-offersUnit 8 Sales PromotionUnit 9 Orders and Their Fulfillment,Chapter 4 Conditions of a contract Unit 10 Terms of Payment Unit 11 Packing Unit 12 Insurance Unit 13 Shipment Unit 15 Complaint and Adjustments,Chapter 5 Flexible Trade Unit 14 Agencies Unit 16 Joint Venture Unit 17 Compensation TradeChapter 6 Miscellaneous Correspondence Unit 18 Miscellaneous,Chapter 1 IntroductionUnit 1 Business Letter Writing Main contents,I. Introduction II. Writing principles of business lettersIII. Structure of business lettersIV. Layout of business letters. Envelop addressing. Practice,There are certain essential qualities of business letters, which can be summed up in 7Cs. 1. Clarity( clearness) 2. Conciseness 3. Courtesy 4. Consideration 5. Concreteness 6. Correctness 7. Completeness,II. The principles in business letter-writing,There are certain essential qualities of business letters, which can be summed up in 7Cs. 1. Clarity( clearness) 2. Conciseness 3. Courtesy 4. Consideration 5. Concreteness 6. Correctness 7. Completeness,II. The principles in business letter-writing,1. Claritya. explain yourself clearly;b. avoiding ambiguous sentences and needless jargon;c. statements in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs;,2. Concisenessa. in the fewest possible words;b. briefly but completely;,There is an old sentence says“ Practice makes perfect.” As the old saying goes,“ Practice makes perfect.”;As what you have requested ,we are sending you our newest catalog.“As requested, we are sending you our newest catalog.”,3. Courtesy a. more than Polite; b. sincere, tactful, thoughtful and appreciative; c. avoid irritating, offensive or belittling statements.,4. Consideration a. Try to put yourself in HIS place; b. emphasize the YOU attitude; c. emphasize positive, pleasant facts;,Two points need to be considered:A. You-attitudeB. Focus on the positive approach.,A. You-attitude: In our letters we should always keep in mind the person we are writing to, see things from his point of view, visualize him in his surroundings, see his problems and difficulties and express our ideas in terms of his experience.,Compare two examples:1) We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. You earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash.2) We wont be able to send you the brochure this month. We will send you the brochure next month.,B. Focus on the positive approach.Compare:(positive) We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied.(negative) We do not believe you will have any cause for dissatisfaction.(positive) Perhaps next time we can send you what you require.(negative) We regret our inability to serve you at this time,5.Concreteness Concreteness means making the message specific, definite and vivid. a. To make the message specific;b. dont try to write in a literary style;c. use action rather than camouflaged verbs;,Compare two examples:We have drawn on you as usual under your L/C.(rewriting): We have drawn on you our sight draft No. 845 for the Invoice amount, US$560.00, under your L/C No. 246 of the China Bank.,6. Correctness correct usage of grammar, punctuation and spelling, use of standard language, proper statement, factual information, accurate reliable figures (such as names of articles, specifications, quantity, price and units, etc.) the correct understanding of commercial jargons.,Those who work rapidly get ill in these conditions.Those who work in these conditions get ill rapidly.,7. Completenessa. provide all necessary information;b. Answer all questions asked;c. give something extra, when desirable;,1.2 Requirements for Business Letter Writers,(1)精通英语(Good command of English)(2)通晓外贸理论和实务(Knowledge of business theory and practice)(3)通晓术语(Knowledge of technical terms)(4)通晓人的心理(Knowledge of psychology)(5)熟悉推销艺术(Skills in salesmanship),III. Structure of business letters,1、信头 the letter head2、有关信件 the reference3、日期 the date4、封内地址 inside name and address5、注意 attention/for the attention of6、称呼 the salutation 7、主题/事由/标题 the subject line /heading/caption8、正文 the body/message 9、表示敬意的结尾 the complimentary close10、署名 the signature11、经办人代号 the reference notation12、附件 enclosure notation13、副本 copy notation14、附笔 postscript主要部分:1,3,4, 6, 8, 9, 10;可选部分:2,5,7,11,12,13,14。,the letter head英文地址是按照由小往大的顺序写 例如: ABC Trading Co.188 Newton PalaceLondonNG29 OPA01345 567921 Fax 01345 438923,2. the reference给信函编号便于来往书信的存盘和查阅,一般用“Your ref.”(回信),或者“Our ref.”(写信)。因此写信时如果注明:“我方存盘号:NJ/JM CF2”。在回信时,由于来函有一个存盘号,因此应该打上两个:我方存盘号:Our ref. NJ/JL CF2(寄出的信)你方存盘号:Your ref. DB/lih(收到的信),3. the dateAme and British styleAm.E Month Date, Year November 20, 2004Br.E Date Month, Year 20 November,2004,4. Inside Name and Address,5. The Attention Line,(1) 男性称“Mr.”,如“Dear Mr. Smith”(或Dear Mr. George Smith),(2) 如果收信人是女性,就称呼“Ms.”。知道对方是已婚女士就称“Mrs.”,未婚就称“Miss”。(3) 如果你不知道对方的性别,可以说“Dear Leslie Williams”。(4) 如果写信给你很熟悉的客户或朋友,可以用对方的名字,而不是姓氏,如“Dear John”。,6.Salutation称谓,(5)如果不知道对方名字,只知道收信人是一个人,就称“Dear Sir or Madam”;(6)为了避免性别歧视问题,还可以用中性的头衔称呼, 如“Dear Director”, “Dear Supervisor”。(7)如果收信人不止一个,就称“Dear Sirs”,“Gentlemen”,或“Ladies and Gentlemen”。现在“Dear Sirs”在有的国家还用,但有的国家被认为是过时的用法。,7. Subject主题,8. The Body/The Message 正文,9. Complementary Close,The following are the usual matches used in modern business letters:,10. Signature签名信的这部分可以用不同的方法写。一般签名包括3到4部分。现在常用4部分的签名。四部分的签名包括公司名称、写信人的名字、还有打印的写信人名、写信人的头衔。Usually four parts:The name of the writers name or companyHand-written signature (illegible)Typed signatureJob title or position,如果信件是由负责人口授,由秘书或速记人员打印的,可以在签名前用“PP”或“for”来表明是授权来写此信的。,12. Enclosure附件如果你随信附寄了东西,可以在信中说明,如“Enclosed is”。也可以在信的最后这样写:Enclosure:或 Enc., Encls: 2 InvoicesEnc: 1 B/L 1 Photo 1 Certificate,13、The Carbon Copy Notation 抄送 copy notation 副本 c.c. (carbon copy)When copies of the letter are sent to others, you may type c.c. below the signature at the left margin.有时候,信的内容涉及到不只一个公司,写信人希望这些当事者都应该知道此信的内容,就可采用抄送的办法:即写好信后复印所需份数,分别寄给有关公司,写信人写信时用c.c.注明这封信还抄送给了哪些公司和个人,使收信人心中有数。,14. 附笔 postscript,IV. Layout of a business letter The Form of a Business Letter格式是指信的结构是如何排列在信纸上的。,LetterheadDateInside Address_Salutation:Body_Complimentary closeSignature,Letterhead Date_Inside Address_Salutation:Body_ Complimentary close Signature Signature,Remarks:1.Private 私人信2.Confidential 机密信3.Registered 挂号邮件4.Express快递邮件5.Ordinary Mail 平信6.Immediate(Urgent)急件7.Printed Matter印刷品8.Sample样品,


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