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    趣味俚语之关于“颜色”的俚语分享 趣味俚语之关于“颜色”的俚语你都有了解了吗,今天给大家带来了趣味俚语之关于“颜色”的俚语,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。趣味俚语之关于“颜色”的俚语Add colour to the English language by using these wonderful idioms! Keep your fellow students guessing by using a new idiom each day!用这些精彩的成语为英语增添色彩!每天用一个新的成语让你的同学们猜一猜!Below is a list of idiomatic expressions related to colour:下面是与颜色相关的惯用表达列表:colour idioms with meanings含有颜色的俚语意思:BLACK IDIOMS黑色习语1. Black and white1.非黑即白的To take everything into consideration and oversimplify something. To judge everything as either one way or the other, good or bad.考虑问题的方式,非黑即白的,绝对化的。Our boss always thinks that everything is straightforward, but he doesnt realise that this whole situation is not as black and white as he thinks!老板想问题总是太简单。他根本意识不到情况并非向他想的那样非黑即白!2. Put something down in black and white2.白纸黑字To write or have something written down on paper for confirmation or evidence把某物写在纸上以作确认或证明I dont understand why you dont believe me! Look, its written here in black and white!白纸黑字摆在这,你为什么就是不信我!3. Black as night3.漆黑一片Somewhere very dark, when it is hard to see anything漆黑一片,伸手不见五指We had another power cut last night; it was as black as night in our house. We didnt even have any candles!昨晚我们又停电了,房子里一片漆黑。我们连蜡烛都没有!4. Black and blue4.鼻青脸肿Used to describe something that is badly bruised皮肤被打的青一块紫一块Johns face was black and blue after the boxing match.约翰在拳击比赛后脸色青一块紫一块。5. Black eye5.黑眼圈A bruise near ones eye眼睛附近的瘀伤Fred came home with a horrible black eye today, but he wont tell us what happened!弗雷德青着眼睛回家,却怎么也不告诉我们到底发生了什么!6. Black out6.熄灭,晕厥This means to, either darken by putting out or dimming the lights, or to lose consciousness.这意味着,要么通过熄灭或调暗灯光来变暗,要么失去意识。We had a huge black out here last night, the whole town was out of power for about 7 hours!昨晚我们这里停电了,整个镇子停电了大约7个小时!I dont know what happened to him, he just blacked out! Maybe he banged his head.我不知道他出了什么事,他昏过去了!也许他撞到了头。7. Black as a skillet7.黑如煮锅Used to describe something that is very dirty, black with dirt用来描述某物极脏,混着泥土My hands and clothes were as black as a skillet, and I was only halfway through cleaning your garage!车库才打扫一半,我的衣服上、手上就全是泥土了。8. Black market8.黑市交易A term used for places where goods are illegally bought and sold for a profit.指为牟利而非法买卖货物的地方。Jerry used to sell cigarettes from South America on the black market!杰瑞以前在黑市上卖南美的香烟!9. Blackball someone9.反对某人To exclude or ostracise someone socially, reject them排斥或排斥某人,拒绝他们Their company has been blackballed ever since that scandal was all over the newspapers. No one wants to do business with them anymore.自从那件丑闻传遍各大报纸以来,他们的公司就一直遭到拒绝。没有人想再和他们做生意了。10. Blacklist someone10.将某人列入黑名单To write someones name on a list if they break any rules, and ban them from having the opportunity to take part again如果某人违反了任何规则,就把他的名字写在名单上,并禁止他有机会再次参加“I was in a lot of debt a while ago, and was unable to pay it all back, so Ive been blacklisted. Im not allowed to get a mortgage in my own name.“之前我负债累累,无法偿还所有的欠款,因此被列入了黑名单。从此之后,再也不能申请贷款了。”11. Pot calling the kettle black (shorten version: pot kettle black)11.五十步笑百步This is used when the person who hypocritically criticises or accuses someone else is as guilty as the person he or she criticises or accuses当伪善地批评或指责他人的人与他或她批评或指责的人一样有罪时,就使用这种方法。She kept telling me that I shouldnt do that, but thats like the pot calling the kettle black, as she does it herself too!她滔滔不绝地告诉我不该那么做,可她自己还是老样子,真是五十步笑百步!12. Blackmail someone12.敲诈某人To extort or take money from someone by using their secrets against them and threatening to reveal it to others利用某人的秘密向他敲诈或索取钱财,并威胁将其泄露给他人He has been blackmailing me for months with some photos that I didnt know he had. I need someone to help me stop him!数月来,他一直用这些照片对我敲诈勒索。13. In someones black books13.列入黑明册To be in disgrace or in disfavour with someone很不讨人喜欢或不受欢迎After that argument yesterday, I assure you he will be in a lot of peoples black books for quite some time!昨晚那场争执,估计你得罪了不少人!14. Black tie event/affair14.需穿正装出席的场合A formal event where male guests wear black bow ties with tuxedos or dinner jackets男性须着黑领结晚礼服的正式场合The awards ceremony will be a black tie event, so Ill have to buy a smart suit. My wife is going to wear her purple ball gown.颁奖典礼需穿正装,因此我得买套时髦的衣服。妻子打算穿那件紫色舞袍。15. Black sheep15.害群之马Used to describe a person who is the odd one out of a group, and doesnt fit in with others around them. This could also be used to talk about someone who is a disgrace or embarrassment to their group.用来描述家族或集体的败类I have always been the black sheep in my family, I have a completely different personality to all of them, and we dont even look the same!我一直是家里的败家子,性格与他们完全不同,就连长相也不怎么一样!16. In the black16.盈利Meaning successful or profitable获得成功或有盈余Their company has been in the black ever since the new CEO took over, and changed it all around!新总裁上任后,这家公司常年赢利,有了很大改观。17. Pitch black17.漆黑一片Another term for somewhere that is very dark, and you are unable to see anything描述某地漆黑一片,伸手不见五指。I was afraid to go downstairs, the whole house was pitch black, and very quiet.房子里漆黑静寂,我不敢下楼。BLUE IDIOMS蓝色习语18. Out of the blue18.出乎意料To appear out of nowhere without any warning, to happen quite suddenly or randomly by surprise没有任何征兆的出现,突然发生You wont believe it but Sarah called me out of the blue yesterday, and told me shes coming to visit! How unexpected!你不会相信昨天萨拉昨天突然给我打电话了,她说她回来拜访!多不可思议!Greg has decided to quit his job out of the blue, and go travelling for a year!格雷格突然辞了工作,外出旅行了!19. Blue pencil19.蓝铅笔To censor something, or limit the information that is shared对分享的内容审查或删节The reports about how soldiers were being treated abroad had been blue-pencilled by the authorities.当局对士兵在国外所受待遇的报告进行了审查。20. A blue-eyed boy20.宠儿,红人A critical description of a boy or young man who is always picked for special favours by someone in a position of higher authority.(贬义)出于一些原因,特别受上级中意的孩子或年轻男子He is such a blue-eyed boy! I dont like that the manager always treats him as if he is special, it is not fair on the rest of us!他可真是个宠儿!经理总对他搞特殊,一点也不公平,真让人讨厌!21. A bolt from the blue21.晴天霹雳When some unexpected bad news is received坏消息不期而至It was a complete bolt from the blue for us, we had no idea that they were having problems, let alone getting divorced!我们完全没想到他俩有问题,更不用说离婚了,这真是个晴天霹雳!22. Blue blood22.贵族血统Used to describe someone from a noble, aristocratic or wealthy family描述某人出身高贵,家庭富裕Many of the blue bloods in our town were invited to the royal wedding.镇上的贵族都收到了皇室婚礼的邀请。23. Blue ribbon23.蓝绶带To be of superior quality or distinction, the best of a group品质最佳或最高荣誉,最优秀的群体A blue ribbon panel of experts were invited to investigate the extraordinary remains.权威专家小组受邀调查这些不寻常的遗体。24. Talk a blue streak24.滔滔不绝地讲话When someone talks very much and very rapidly某人话多,语速还快The woman in the hospital bed next to me talked a blue streak all day. I dont where she got the energy from!临床那位女士整日滔滔不绝连珠炮似地跟我讲话。25. Feel blue25.情绪低落When someone looks or feels depressed or discontented描述某人情绪不佳或不满意Whats that the matter with you today? You seem really blue. Is there something youd like to talk about?你看起来不太开心呀,怎么了?愿意跟我聊聊吗?26. Blue in the face26.筋疲力尽To try really hard to win someones agreement, but usually end unsuccessfully努力劝说某人,但往往无劳而返I kept trying to convince him that it was a good idea until I was blue in the face, but hes so stubborn, he just kept disagreeing with me!我不停告诉他这是个好主意,可是直到我说的面红耳赤,他还是固执己见,不听我的!27. Once in a blue moon27.千载难逢To occur extremely rarely, or only once in a lifetime极少发生或一辈子才能遇见一次的事My sister is working in Africa, she hardly ever has the time to call us. My parents only hear from her once in a blue moon.姐姐在非洲工作,几乎没时间联系我们。父母也很少接到她的电话。28. Men/boys in blue28.警察Used to describe the police, because of the colour of their uniforms由于警服是蓝色的,因此用此代指警察I saw the boys in blue outside our neighbours house last night. I hope everything is okay.昨天在邻居家门口看见警察了,希望没出什么事。29. Blue collar29.蓝领Used to describe men used as labourers, or factory workers从事劳动工作的雇员或工人The got rid of a lot of the blue-collar workers during the recession. I would say they definitely suffered the most.大萧条期间,他们解雇了大批工人。BROWN IDIOMS棕色习语30. Browned off30.厌烦To be bored or annoyed with someone or something对某人或某物感到厌烦或恼火Im always browned off when he comes to visit. He doesnt like doing anything, and he hardly ever talks to anyone!他来拜访时,我总是感到厌烦。他不喜欢做任何事,而且几乎不跟任何人说话!31.( as ) brown as a berry31.黝黑的The sunbed make me as brown as a berry.日光浴把我晒得黝黑。32.a brown study32.沉思、遐想I didnt speak to him as he seemed to be in a brown study.我没有跟他说话,他好像在沉思。GREEN IDIOMS绿色习语33. To be green33.新手Used to describe someone who is immature, or inexperienced用来形容不成熟或缺乏经验的人He can be rather green sometimes. I dont think hes ready to be promoted to a higher position yet.他有时会显得经验不足。我认为他还没有准备好升职。34. Green with envy34.嫉妒某人Used to describe someone who is extremely jealous, full of envy用来形容一个有嫉妒心,充满嫉妒的人When we were children, my older brother always used to get green with envy if my dad bought something for me and not for him.当我们还是孩子的时候,我哥哥总是嫉妒我爸爸为我而不是为他买东西。35. Give someone the green light / get the green light35.给某人开绿灯When someone receives, or is given, permission to go ahead with something当某人收到或被给予继续做某事的许可时We have been given the green the light by the Marketing Executive to go ahead with the new advertising campaign.营销主管给我们开了绿灯,让我们继续开展新的广告活动。36. Grass is always greener on the other side36.这边山望那边青Used to describe a place that is far away, and better than, where you are now, or another persons situation that is very different from your own用来描述一个离你很远,而且比你现在所在的地方更好的地方,或者一个人的情况与你自己的情况大不相同。He realised that the grass is always greener on the other side when he saw that his new job wasnt perfect, and had its own problems too.当他看到自己的新工作并不完美,而且也有自己的问题时,他意识到这边山望那边高。37. Green belt37.绿化带An area of fields and trees around a town城镇周围的一片田野和树木Our city has a policy of increasing the green belt around it.我们的城市有一项增加周边绿化带的政策。38. Green thumb/green finger38.有园艺天赋Used to describe someone with a talent for gardening, having the ability to make plants grow用来形容一个有园艺天赋,有使植物生长的能力的人This garden used to look so beautiful when my mum lived here. She definitely had a green thumb. I wish I did too!当我妈妈住在这里的时候,这个花园曾经看起来很漂亮。她有园艺天赋。我也希望如此!GREY IDIOMS灰色习语39. A grey area39.灰色地带Something that is not clearly defined, and there is still debate as to whether it is black or white, neither one way or another没有明确确定的范围Some of the current rules surrounding bedroom tax in the UK seem to be in a grey area, as many residents disagree with its determining factors.英国目前有关卧室税的一些规定似乎处于灰色地带,因为许多居民不同意其决定因素。GOLD IDIOMS金色习语40. A golden opportunity40.一个宝贵机会An opportunity that may never present itself again可能再也不会出现的机会Think carefully about what youre going to do, this is a golden opportunity, and you dont want to mess it up!仔细考虑你将要做什么,这是一个宝贵的机会,你不想把它搞砸!41. A golden handshake41.解雇金A large sum of money that is paid to a retiring manager or director, or to a redundant worker付给退休的经理或董事或多余的工人的一大笔钱The company Chairman received a huge golden handshake when he retired.公司董事长退休后得到了一笔巨大的退休金。42. Golden boy42.很受欢迎的人The term given to a young man idolised for a great skill, usually in sport.一个年轻人因技艺高超而受到崇拜的术语,通常指体育运动。By many of his fans, Wayne Rooney is seen as the golden boy of his football team.许多球迷都认为鲁尼是他足球队的金童。PINK IDIOMS粉色习语43. Tickled pink43.很满意To be very pleased, thrilled or delighted about something对某事感到高兴、兴奋或高兴Anna was tickled pink that her fianc had made such an effort for her birthday.安娜的未婚夫为她的生日做出了如此大的努力,这使她十分高兴。44. See pink elephants44.天方夜谭之事When someone sees things that are not really there, because they are in their imagination由于想象,某人看到不真实的事物Anyone who hears his story thinks he sees pink elephants. Its just such a far-fetched story, and very hard to believe.任何人听到他这套说辞,都会觉得他喝醉了。这个说法太牵强了,很难令人相信。45. Pink Slip45.解雇通知书A termination notice received from a job终止合约的书面通知They gave me my pink slip last week, so Ive got to find a new job now.上周,我接到了解雇通知书,现在不得不找份新工作了。59. In the pink of somethingMeaning in very good health表示身体状况良好My grandmother looked ever so well when I saw her, she was in the pink of condition.祖母得到了很好的照顾,看上去身体不错。不容错过的,关于眼睛“eye”的趣味俚语表达1. Apple of my eye1.掌上明珠Something that you value very highly:你非常看重的东西:My daughter is the apple of my eye.我女儿是我的掌上明珠。2. In my minds eye2.在我的脑海中Something that you imagine:你能想象到的事物In my minds eye, working online is like sipping cold drinks on a warm beach.在我看来,在网上工作就像在温暖的海滩上喝冷饮。3. The eyes are the window to the soul3.眼睛是灵魂之窗A saying that means you should be able to understand someone just by looking at them in the eye:这句话的意思是,你应该能够通过直视别人的眼睛来理解他们:I just need to see his eyes to know whether he is lying because the eyes are the window to the soul.我只需要看看他的眼睛就知道他是否在说谎,因为眼睛是通往灵魂的窗口。4. Birds eye view4.鸟瞰图To see something from up high, either figuratively or literally:从高处看东西,无论是象征性的还是字面的:From the birds eye view, this city just looks like a bunch of blocks with ants walking around.从鸟瞰图上看,这座城市就像一排街区,而蚂蚁在周围走动。It looks like the new policies will decrease our compensation, but from the birds eye view it actually will have a positive effect in the long term.看起来新的政策会减少我们的补偿,但从长远来看,它实际上会产生积极的影响。5. Feast Ones Eyes on Something5.一饱眼福To look at something very beautiful, wonderful, or something that you covet or admire a lot:看一些非常漂亮、美妙的东西,或者你非常渴望或钦佩的东西:I feasted my eyes on buffet laid out before me!我尽情享用摆在面前的自助餐!6. Cry Ones Eyes Out6.伤心欲绝To cry so much that you cannot cry anymore:哭得太多以至于你不能再哭了:When he heard his parents were in a serious car crash, he cried his eyes out before going to sleep.当他在一场严重的车祸中听到父母在其中时,他在入睡前伤心欲绝。7. Get a black eye7.被打的眼睛发青A black eye refers to what the bruising around your eye looks like if someone injures your eye:黑眼是指如果有人伤害了你的眼睛,你眼睛周围的瘀伤看起来是什么样子的:The playground fight resulted in three students who got a black eye


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