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    2020年8月雅思考试口语真题汇总 前几天雅思官方称近期考试难度将不作调整,但上周的33道matching题把大家伙给整自闭了,不过今天的这场考试,考鸭们的反馈都是除了写作,难度尚可。给大家整理了2020年8月雅思考试口语真题,我们一起来看看吧!2020年8月雅思考试口语真题1Part 1People AnimalFamous peopleMeeting new peopleNameAnimalsEventsWorkstudyStudying in the morning or in the afternoonFishingTaking a breakBorrowinglendingShoppingRunningLaughingStaying upWater sportsSpending time aloneObjects / ThingsCakedessertPen/pencilGiftNewspapers magazinesFilmPhotoPlacesHomeApartmentAccommodationMuseumPark GardenAbstractStages in lifePublic transportationJokescomediesScenery / viewTidinessNumberMajorDiscussionArtHistoryScienceMathPart 23People AnimalDescribe an occasion when you helped others帮助别人Describe a person who you are happy to know很开心认识的人Describe an experience when a person apologized toyou别人对你道歉Describe a time of seeing an interesting animal有趣的动物Describe a friend who is a good leader领导力强的朋友Describe a person you saw in the news whom you want to meet新闻里想要见到的人Describe an old person you know who you respect尊敬的老人Describe a family member you spend most time with陪伴最久的家人Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise发出噪音的人或物Describe a time when a family member asked you for help家人向你寻求帮助EventsDescribe a time you got lost in a place you didn t know about迷路Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time想要尝试的运动Describe a time when you played an indoor game with others和别人玩过的室内游戏2020年8月雅思考试口语真题28.8Part 1People AnimalFamous peopleMeeting new peopleNameEventsWorkstudyStudying in the morning or in the afternoonFishingTaking a breakBorrowinglendingShoppingLaughingRunningStaying upWater sportsSpending time aloneObjects / ThingsCakedessertPen/pencilGiftNewspapers magazinesFilmPlacesHome99ApartmentAccommodationMuseumPark GardenAbstractAgePublic transportJokescomediesScenery / viewTidinessNumberMajorDiscussionArtHistoryScience classMathPart 23People AnimalDescribe a person who you are happy to know很开心认识的人Describe an experience when a person apologized to you别人对你道歉Describe a time of seeing an interesting animal有趣的动物Describe an old person you know who you respect尊敬的老人Describe a family member you spend most time with陪伴最久的家人Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise发出噪音的人或物EventsDescribe a new important skill that you have learned学到的重要技能Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time想要尝试的运动Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed喜欢的晚餐Describe an article you read from a magazine or the internet about health在杂志或者网络上读到的关于健康的*Describe an important journey that was delayed被延期的重要旅行Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity天气阻碍了活动Describe an important message you received before (through a text)收到的重要的短信信息Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity天气打乱的活动Describe a film that made you thinka lot引人思考的电影Describe a change you would like to see that could improve your local area当地发生的变化Describe a road trip youve done a car joumey长途汽车旅行Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future未来不想从事的工作Objects/ThingsDescribe a large company that you are interested in感兴趣的大公司Describe an occasion that you wore your best clothes穿最好的衣服Describe a uniform you wore before以前穿过的制服Describe an app you use on your mobile phone手机应用软件PlacesDescribe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live/ that you wouldlike to live in the future理想的房子Describe a city that you have been to and would like to visit again想再去一次的城市Describe an occasion when you couldn tuse your mobile phone不能用手机的场合Descrbe a crowded place you wentto拥挤的地方Descrbe a foreign country you d like to know more想了解的国家Describe a sccessful small company you know一个成功的小公司Describe an occasion when you wasted your time浪费时间的场合2020年8月雅思考试口语真题38.6Part1People AnimalFamous peopleMeeting new peopleEventsWorkstudyStudying in the morning or in the afternoonFishingTaking a breakBorrowinglendingShoppingLaughingRunningObjects / ThingsCakedessertPen/pencilGiftNewspapers magazinesPlacesHomeApartmentAccommodationAbstractStages in lifeNoiseAgePublic transportJokescomediesScenery/ viewTidinessNumberMajorDiscussionArtHistoryPart 23People AnimalDescrbe a time when a family member asked you for help家人向你求助Descrbe a time of seeing an interesting animal有趣的动物Descrbe a person who taught you something important教你重要东西的人Describe a person you saw in the news whom you want to meet新闻中想要见到的人Describe a friend who is a good leader领导力强的朋友Describe an old person you know who you respect尊敬的老人Describe a family member you spend most time with陪伴最久的家人Describe an ocasion when you helped others (another person)帮助别人Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise发出噪音的人或物EventsDescribe a dfficult challenge you met遇到的挑战Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time想要尝试的运动Descrbe an important message you received before (through a text)收到的重要的短信信息Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity天气打乱的活动Describe a time when you played an indoor game with others室内游戏Describe a film that made you thinkalot引人思考的电影Describe a change you would like to see that could improve your local area当地发生的变化Descrbe a road trip youve done a car journey长途汽车旅行Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future未来不想从事的工作Objects/ThingsDescribe a large company that you are interested in感兴趣的大公司Describe an occasion that you wore your best clothes穿最好的衣服Descrbe an article you read from a magazine or the internet about health读到的健康类*Describe a uniform you wore before以前穿过的制服Describe an app you use on your mobile phone手机应用软件Descrbe something you bought that was difcult to use at first-开 始难用的东西PlacesDescribe a city that you have been to and would like to visit again想再去:一次的城市Describe an occasion when you couldn tuse your mobile phone不能用手机的场合Descrbe a crowded place you wentto拥挤的地方Describe a foreign country youd like to know more想了解的国家Describe a sccessful small company you know一个成功的小公司Describe an occasion when you wasted your time浪费时间的场合Describe a place you visited that had been polluted污染的地区Describe a place where you are able to relax放松的地方AbstractDescribe a time when you learmed from a mistake you have made从错误中吸取教训Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important学习到的重要技能2020年8月雅思考试口语真题48.1Part 1People AnimalFamous peopleMeeing new peoplePetsEventsWorkstudyStudying in the morning or in the afternoonFishingTaking a breakBorrowinglendingStaying up .RunningSpending time by yourselfObjects/ThingsCakedessertPen/pencilArtHistoryGiftMoviePlacesHometownHomeaccommodationApartmentParkAbstractPublic transportJokescomediesTidinessNumberAgeMajorPart 23People AnimalDescribe someone you saw in the news who you want to meet新闻中想认识的名人Describe a person who taught you something important教你重要东西的人Describe an experience when a person apologized to you他人向你道歉Describe a friend who is a good leader领导力强的朋友Describe a time that you were surprised to meet someone you know惊讶的相遇Describe an old person you know who you respect尊敬的老人Describe a time when you were in a team as a team member团队的一员EventsDescribe a time when a family member asked you for help家人向你求助Describe an exciting event you experienced令人兴奋的经历Describe a time when you played an indoor game with others室内游戏Describe a film that made you thinkalot引人思考的电影Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed喜欢的晚餐Describe an important journey that was delayed延误的旅行Describe a risky thing you have done and had a good result冒险并取得了好结果Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise噪音Describe a road trip you ve done a car journey长途汽车旅行Describe an important message you received before (througha text)通过短信获取重要信息Objects/ThingsDescribe a dinner that you really enjoyed享受的晚餐Describe an occasion that you wore your best clothes穿最好的衫Describe a water sport that you want to try想尝试的水,上运动Describe a uniform you wore before以前穿过的制服Describe an app you use on your mobile phone手机应用软件Describe something you bought that was difcult to use at first开始难用的东西PlacesDescribe a foreign country youd like to know more想了解的国家Describe an occasion when you couldn tuse your mobile phone不能使用手机的地方Describe a crowded place you wentto去过的拥挤的地方Describe a large company that you are interested in感兴趣的大公司Describe a new public building you would like to visit想参观的新的公共建筑Describe a sccessful small company you know一个成功的小公司Describe an occasion when you wasted your time浪费时间的场合Describe a place you visited that had been polluted污染的地区Describe a place where you are able to relax放松的地方Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live/ that you would like to live in the future未来想住的地方Describe a city that you have been to and would like to visit again想要再次参观的城市AbstractDescribe an article you read from a magazine or the internet about health杂志或网络上看到的关于健康的*Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important学习到的重要技能Describe a difcult challenge you met遇到的困难挑战2020年8月雅思考试口语真题57.25Part1People AnimalLaughingNameFamous peopleMeeting new peopleEventsWorkstudyStudying in the momning or in the afternoonFishingTaking a breakBorrowinglendingStaying upRunningObjects / ThingsCakedessertScience dassesPen /pencilMathsArtHistoryPlacesHometownHome accommodationApartmentAbstractPublic transportJokescomediesTidinessNumberAgeFuture planHappinessMajorPart 23People AnimalDescribe a person who you are happy to know很开心认识的人Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise发出噪音的人或物Describe someone you saw in the news who you want to meet新闻中想认识的名人Describe a person who taught you something教你东西的人Describe an experience when a person apologized to you他人向你道歉Describe a friend who is a good leader领导力强的朋友Describe a time that you were surprised to meet someone you know惊讶的相温EventsDescribe a time when a family member asked you for help家人向你求助Describe a time when the weather stopped you from doing what youve planned天气打乱了你的计划Describe an exciting event you experienced令人兴奋的经历Describe a time when you played an indoor game with others室内游戏Describe a new important skill that you have learned以前学过的新的重要技能Describe a sport you like to do.喜欢的运动Describe a film that made you think a lot引弘思考的电影Objects/ThingsDescribe a dinner that you really enjoyed享受的晚餐Descrbe an occasion that you wore your best clothes穿最好的衫Describe a water sport that you want to try想尝试的水上运动Describe a uniform you wore before以前穿过的制服PlacesDescribe a foreign country youd like to know more想了解的国家Describe a crowded place you went to去过的拥挤的地方Describe a large company that you are interested in感兴趣的大公司Describe a successful small company you know -个成功的小公司Describe a time you got lost in a place you didnt know about迷路Describe a place you visited that had been polluted污染的地区AbstractDescribe a job you would not like to do in the future未来不想做的工作Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve制定的目标并尽力实现Describe an article you read from a magazine or the intemet about health杂志或网络上看到的关于健康的*2020年8月雅思考试口语真题汇总


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