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    剑桥商务英语Unit 11 Complaints课件.ppt

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    剑桥商务英语Unit 11 Complaints课件.ppt

    商务英语,作者: 阮绩智,责任编辑:张琛出版日期:2011年12月IDPN: 308-2011-58课件章数:12,complaints & claims,UNIT,11,Learning Objectives,Understand how to make effective complaints and claims; Handle complaints and claims; Write letters for complaints and adjustments.,No discord, no concord,A Chinese Proverb,Speaking Task,Starting Up,1,Listening Task,2,3,Reading Task,5,Writing Task,Follow-up Practice,6,4,5,4,3,2,1,6,Contents,Introductory Remark,In business, if the buyer can prove that it is the sellers _for the loss of the goods, he can make a_. The seller is obligated to _the buyer. Generally speaking, claims arise because the wrong goods may have been_; the quality may have been found_; the _may have been found damaged, short, missing, late; the prices charged may be excessive or not as agreed. There is also another kind of claim. It is made by _who find _ with the goods as an _to escape from the contract, either because they no longer want the goods or because that they can get them _ elsewhere. If a claim has to be _by the buyer, the matter should be _ in detail and these details should be laid before the party charged. We must _ claims with the principle of on the first grounds, to our advantage and with restraint and settle them _to the satisfaction of all _ concerned.,responsibility,claim,compensate,delivered,unsatisfactory,shipment,buyers,fault,excuse,cheaper,investigated,handle,amicably,parties,made,11.1 Starting Up,11.1.1 Work with your partner to discuss as many causes as you can for customer complaints and claims and put them in the following web.,Inadequate packing,Non-delivery or part-delivery,Wrong delivery,Delayed delivery,Shortage of the goods,Discrepancies in specification,Damage to the goods,Common Causes for Complaints & Claims,11.1.2 When you purchase a product that is defective or doesnt perform properly, how do you lodge a complaint that will get results? Discuss with your partner to work out as many tips as you can for effective complaints. For example:,Tips for Effective Complaints,1. Be prepared. Keeping supporting documents, such as sales receipts, contracts, manuals and warranty information, is very important.,2. Act quickly. Some companies may limit their responsibility for responding to complaints to a certain time period.,3. Talk to the right people, in the right order.,4. Be polite. Youll get better, and maybe quicker, results if you explain the problem and ask for a resolution without resorting to anger or threats.,5. Be prepared to negotiate realistically.,6. Keep good records. Note the names of people you talk to, as well as the dates, times and outcomes of the conversations.,7. Its often best to explain the problem in writing.,8. Always keep a copy of each letter you write for your own files.,1) Which do you think are the most effective complaint tips you have worked out above? Why?2) Do you have any experience of making a complaint about the goods you bought? How was it settled? Were you satisfied with the settlement?3) Which means do you think is efficient in handling customer complaints: face to face, by phone call, through emails, faxes or letters? Why?4) What do you think is the best way of achieving customer satisfaction?,11.1.3 Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.,Documents generally required for making a claim against an insurance company or shipping company,1. Survey Report (检验报告)2. Certificate of Inspection (检验证书)3. Mates Receipt ( 大副收据)4. Invoice (发票)5.Insurance Policy (保险单)6.Weight Certificate (重量证明)7.Marine Protect (海难证明书)8. Packing List (装箱单)9. Shortlanded Certificate (短卸证明书)10.Damage Report (破损证明)11.Weight Note (磅码单)12.Tally-List (理货单),In this part you will listen to a dialogue and two passages about complaints and claims. Try to finish the exercises while listening. Are you ready?,11.2 Listening Task,11.2.1 Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.,1) What must the buyer do if he is going to make a claim? Answer:_2) What are used as evidence when making a claim? Answer:_3) What is the seller obligated to do if the buyer indeed can prove what he has claimed?Answer:_4) When does the conflict appear between the buyer and the seller?Answer:_5) What would the seller do when he was negligent in supplying the proper quantity at a time when he was still responsible for the consignment during shipping on a CIF basis?Answer: _,The buyer must prove that it is the sellers responsibility for the damage or loss of the goods.,The inspection certificate and B/L(提货单).,The seller is obligated to compensate the buyer.,The conflict appears when the goods are found to be damaged or of short weight when reaching the destination.,In that case the seller would most likely seek to find a way to satisfy his customer.,11.2.2 Listen to a call about customer complaints and fill in the following form.,Customer Complaints,Edward Smith,CBD International,air dried garlic granules,200 cartons,September 20,October 15,Contract No. 201068,the goods contaminated with moths,30%,not well fumigated before shipment,USD 6,000,make a thorough investigation before a reply tomorrow,11.2.3. Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing parts.,Customer complaints offer businesses an opportunity to correct _. In addition, they frequently provide _ for improving products, _, upgrading services, or _ promotional material and product information. While _ with service of merchandise are, to some extent, _, dissatisfied customers are not. Companies can learn to _. A good recovery can turn _ customers into _ ones. Recognizing the importance of _ fairly and efficiently to _ in the marketplace, many businesses have established _systems for resolving _. Within any industry, those companies with a _ and a reputation for fair complaint-management have a _. A management philosophy that_ customer satisfaction as a _of business, instead of _ the company in the face of complaints, can change the _for companies. It shifts the emphasis from the _ of pleasing a customer to the _of doing so, and trusts front-line _ to use their _.,immediate problems,constructive ideas,adapting marketing practices,modifying,occasional problems,inevitable,recover from mistakes,angry and frustrated,loyal,responding,buyers disappointment,effective and innovative,customer complaints,positive philosophy,competitive edge,employees,primary goal,defending,rules of the game,judgment,value,cost,employees,In this part you are going to read three dialogues and then you will be asked to answer some questions about what you have read.Please read louder!,Speaking Task,11.3 Speaking Task,11.3.1 Conversation 1,Mr. Hudson is calling Brown Furniture Company to make a complaint about the goods he bought from the company. He is very angry now.,1)Why did Mr. Hudson want to talk to the general manager in person? Answer: 2)Why didnt the secretary put him through to the general manager first?Answer: 3)Why did the secretary put him through to the general manger then?Answer: 4)What did Mr Nelson complain about?Answer: 5) What is the general manager going to do about it?Answer:6)How would you handle such a complaint if you were the manager?Answer:,Because he had already talked to some departments of the company but they didnt solve his problem. So this time he has to talk to the general manager.,Perhaps the secretary didnt want to trouble the manager with trifles. So she said that the manager was not available and offered help herself.,Because he found the customer was really angry and insisted on talking to the general manager.,He bought a bedroom suit from their store six weeks ago and they promised to deliver it within three days. Over a week later a van arrived at his house with the wrong goods. It took another two weeks for them to sort that out. The next time they delivered goods, it was damaged. Now he has been waiting for a replacement for another three weeks.,(Open).,He is going to make some inquiries himself right away, and then call back when hes sorted things out.,11.3.2 Conversation 2,The goods delivered to Mr. Porter are found not up to the standard and about 20 % of them are moldy. So he comes to see Mr. Tang, the seller, about this matter.,1)What does Mr. Porter indicate by saying “something very unpleasant”?Answer: 2)What does Mr. Porter demand initially for settlement of the complaint?Answer: 3)Why does Mr. Chen say that the case complained is impossible?Answer: 4)What does the London survey report certify?Answer: 5)What is the possible cause for damage according to Mr. Chen?Answer: 6)Who does Mr. Chen suggest Mr. Porter should turn to? And why?Answer:,The quality of the dehydrated onion flakes he mentioned in his fax of October 20th.,He demands a full refund of the amount paid.,Because it is known to all that their dehydrated vegetables enjoy a good reputation for fine quality in the world market, and such a case has never happened.,It certifies that the packing of the goods is sound and intact at the time of survey. So it is clear that the goods were not well-dried before loading.,The damage must have taken place in transit.,He suggests Mr. Porter may approach the shipping company or the insurance company for compensation. Because the goods were bought on a FOB basis.,11.3.3 Conversation 3,A Chinese company has ordered some machines from a British company. Upon delivery, some rollers are found to be defective. Mr. Wood is sent by the British company to take up the matter with Mr. Chen from the Chinese company.,1)What was Mr. Woods purpose of coming to China?Answer: 2)What was wrong with the rollers?Answer: 3)What was the cause of the problem according to Mr. Chen?Answer: 4)Did Mr. Wood accept Mr. Chens explanation about the rusty rollers? What would he do about the problem then? Answer: 5)What happened a week later?Answer: 6) What did they do about the rusty rollers in the end?Answer:,He came to China to solve the problem about the rollers.,Some rusty spots on five rollers were found.,The cause of rust was due to poor workmanship. Their experts held that the rust was not scoured off completely before electro-plating. As a result, the chrome coating would certainly not hold.,He thought his explanation sounded plausible. He would ask for their manufacturersto probe into the matter. If they proved the Chinese companys findings were the same as theirs, the faulty rollers would be replaced by new ones.,Mr. Wood came to the Chinese company again and told Mr. Chen that their manufacturers apologized for the trouble and promised to replace these rusty rollers by new ones.,Mr. Wood would take back two of the worst ones for examination and leave the others to Mr. Chen with some charge for the cost of the material only.,Reading Task,In this part you are going to read a passage and then you will be asked to answer some questions about what you have read.,11.4 Reading Task,Pre-reading questions for pair work 1) Do you think the art of complaining and handling complaints is difficult to learn? Why or why not?2) What are the good things for customer complaints on the part of companies? 3) What are wise ways for a company to handle customer complaints?,Answer the following questions,1)What may cause customers to make complaints?Answer: 2)What may customer complaints result in?Answer: 3)Which do you think are the four most important actions for handling customer complaints? Why?Answer: 4)When customer complaints have occurred, what is considered to be important for a company to do?Answer: 5)Can you add more tips as advice for handling customer complaints?Answer:,Errors and misunderstandings may cause customers to make complaints.,They may result in losing future sales from customers and from everybody else who hears about their bad experience.,(Open).,When customer complaints have occurred, the manner in which you as the owner or representative of your company respond to your customer is important and worth your careful consideration.,(Open),Writing Task,In this part you are going to learn how to write letters of complaints and adjustments.,A complaint letter requests some sort of compensation for defective or damaged merchandise or for inadequate or delayed services. While many complaints can be made in person, some circumstances require formal business letters. The complaint may be so complex that a phone call may not effectively resolve the problem; or the writer may prefer the permanence, formality, and seriousness of a business letter. The essential rule in writing a complaint letter is to maintain your poise and diplomacy, no matter how justified your gripe is. Avoid making the recipient an adversary.,11.5 Writing Task,Letters of Complaints and Adjustments,Complaint Letters,1. Identify early the reason you are writing to register a complaint and to ask for some kind of compensation. Avoid leaping into the details of the problem in the first sentence. 2. State exactly what compensation you desire, either before or after the discussion of the problem or the reasons for granting the compensation. 3. Provide a fully detailed narrative or description of the problem. This is the evidence. 4. Explain why your request should be granted. Presenting the evidence is not enough: state the reasons why this evidence indicates your request should be granted. 5. Suggest why it is in the recipients best interest to grant your request: appeal to the recipients sense of fairness, desire for continued business, but dont threaten. Find some way to view the problem as an honest mistake. Dont imply that the recipient deliberately committed the error or that the company has no concern for the customer. Toward the end of the letter, express confidence that the recipient will grant your request.,Complaint Letters,1. Begin with a reference to the date of the original letter of complaint and to the purpose of your letter. If you deny the request, dont state the refusal right away unless you can do so tactfully. 2. Express your concern over the writers troubles and your appreciation that he has written you. 3. If you deny the request, explain the reasons why the request cannot be granted in as cordial manner as possible. If you grant the request, dont sound as if you are doing so in a begrudging way. 4. If you deny the request, try to offer some partial or substitute compensation or offer some friendly advice. 5. Conclude the letter cordially, perhaps expressing confidence that you and the writer will continue doing business.,Adjustment Letters,Replies to complaint letters, often called letters of adjustment, must be handled carefully when the requested compensation cannot be granted. Refusal of compensation tests your diplomacy and tact as a writer. Some suggestions:,Sample Complaint Letter,Sample Adjustment Letter,Writing Practice,Write a letter to complain about late delivery/inferior or wrong quality/shortage of the goods you have received or bought.2) Write a letter responding to the complaint letter you have received from one of your classmates that responds negatively


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