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    高教版职高英语1(基础模块)Unit_9课件,Agenda,教学目标,教学目标,语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用与加入俱乐部或参加某项活动相关的词汇和语句完成信息的询问和获取、 表格的填充和理由的表述,并能够运用一般将来时表述未来计划。语言技能目标: 听 学生能够听懂有关加入俱乐部和询问相关信息的对话。说 学生能够用What club would you like to join? 和Id like to join . 等句式就加入俱乐部的话题进行问 询和交流。读 学生能够读懂有关介绍俱乐部活动的宣传海报。写 学生能够读写加入俱乐部的相关信息并写出加入的理由。学 习 策 略: 学生能够运用寻求建议、列表比较、综合分析等多种策略筹建俱乐部并招聘会员。文 化 意 识: 学生掌握英语中参加社会活动时的程序、表达习惯和相关礼仪。情 感 态 度: 学生能够在具体语境下对俱乐部相关事宜进行评价和取舍。单 元 任 务: 学生能够运用所学语言筹建俱乐部并招募新成员。小组合作组建一个俱乐部,确定俱乐部的名 称、加入条件及活动等相关事宜,然后根据确立的信息,招聘成员,最后总结并展示组建和招 聘的情况。,Lead-in,Lead-in,Activity 1Activity 2,1,2,Exercise-1,Activity 1,Read and choose. 读以下广告语,为不同俱乐部选择最佳的广告语。,Football Club,Basketball Club,Computer Club,English Club,a,b,c,c,All English learners, united!,Stand in line and play online!,Have fun with other fans!,As high as Yao Ming!,Exercise-2,Activity 2,Read and tick. 张燕准备参加英语俱乐部,从下列表述中帮她选出应具备的资格。, Singing English songs is my favorite. I love playing chess. I often chat with my friends in English. I enjoy painting very much. I like writing to my friends in English. Im good at writing. Im a member of the Chess Club in my school.,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,Dialogue ADialogue BEveryday English,1,2,3,Listening and speaking-Dialogue A,Dialogue A,Activity 3Activity 4Activity 5Activity 6,1,2,3,4,Id like to join the English Club!,大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流,可以互相讨论下,但要小声点,Exercise-3,Activity 3,Listen and tick. 听录音,标出张伟要参加的俱乐部。, a. an English club b. a chess club c. a science club d. a cooking club,Exercise-4,Activity 4,Listen and complete. 再听录音,完成张伟参加俱乐部的申请表。,Application FormName: Zhang WeiClub to join: _Qualifications: _; good at _,Science Club,physics,math,Exercise-5-1,Activity 5,Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出申请参加俱乐部时会使用的语句。,Zhang Yan: Good afternoon, Miss Tang. Tang Hua: Good afternoon! What club do you like to join?Zhang Yan: Id like to join the English Club. Tang Hua: What qualifications do you have?Zhang Yan: Well, I like English and I can sing many English songs. Tang Hua: Thats great! Now fill in this form, please.,Exercise-5-2,重点词汇和句型,Id like to join . 此处的意思是“我想参加”。“想要做”还可以用Id loveto do .; I feel like doing . 等句式表达。eg Id like to visit my aunt this weekend. 这周末我想去看我姑姑。 Id like to show you some of my old pictures. 我给你们看看我的一些老照片。,Exercise-5-3,重点词汇和句型,Fill in 此处意为“填充”。eg Fill in the blanks with proper words. 用适当的词填空。 Please fill in the form in English. 请用英文填表。,Exercise-6,Activity 6,Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。,Zhang Yan: Good afternoon, Miss Tang. Tang Hua: Good afternoon! What club do you like to join?Zhang Yan: Id like to join the English Club. Tang Hua: What qualifications do you have?Zhang Yan: Well, I like English and I can sing many English songs. Tang Hua: Thats great! Now fill in this form, please.,Listening and speaking-Dialogue B,Dialogue B,Activity 7Activity 8Activity 9Activity 10Activity 11Activity 12,Welcome to the English Club!,Exercise-7,Activity 7,Listen and match. 听录音,将人物与正确的俱乐部搭配。,Computer Club,English Club,Science Club,Singing Club,1),2),3),4),Exercise-8,Activity 8,Listen and complete. 再听录音,补全句子。,1) The membership of the Science Club is _ for experiments.2) Zhang Wei can go to _ to get the schedule of the Science Club.3) Wang Yang is a _ of the English Club.,40 yuan a term,the club website,member,Exercise-9-1,Activity 9,Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出询问俱乐部信息的语句。,Club 可指任何类型的俱乐部或社团,其成员都可称为 member。加入成为会员后,可以享受俱乐部提供的特惠服务和活动,有的社团需要交纳一定的会费。会员资格或会费都可称作 membership。,At the entrance to the English Club. Ben: Hi, Wang Yang! Welcome to the English Club!Wang Yang: Hi, Ben. Im so glad to be here. By the way, how much is the membership? Ben: Well, its free.Wang Yang: Thats great! And Id like to know the schedule of the club. Where can I get it? Ben: You can ask the club secretary for that.Wang Yang: I see. May I bring my friends to the club? Ben: Well, they need to apply first.Wang Yang: Thank you! Ben: Youre welcome!,Exercise-9-2,重点词汇和句型,Its free. Free 在此处是“免费”的意思。eg The service is free to all members. 本项服务对所有会员都是免费的。,Exercise-9-3,重点词汇和句型,Well, they need to apply first. Apply 此处意为“申请”,apply 还有“运用”的含义。eg You have to apply in person. 你必须当面申请。 The rule cannot be applied in every case. 这规则并不适用于所有的情况。,Exercise-10,Activity 10,Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。,At the entrance to the English Club. Ben: Hi, Wang Yang! Welcome to the English Club!Wang Yang: Hi, Ben. Im so glad to be here. By the way, how much is the membership? Ben: Well, its free.Wang Yang: Thats great! And Id like to know the schedule of the club. Where can I get it? Ben: You can ask the club secretary for that.Wang Yang: I see. May I bring my friends to the club? Ben: Well, they need to apply first.Wang Yang: Thank you! Ben: Youre welcome!,Exercise-11,Activity 11,Act and practice. 根据下列提示与同伴练习俱乐部招新时的面试对话。,A: What club are you going to join?A: What qualifications do you have?A: Fill in this form, please.,B: Id like to join B: Im good at B: By the way, how much is the membership?B: Where can I get the schedule?,dancing club chess club health club football club,Exercise-12,Activity 12,Talk and decide. 小组讨论活动11中的俱乐部,选出最受学生欢迎的俱乐部。,_,Everyday English,Everyday English,Welcome to join us! 欢迎加入到我们当中!Id like to join in your health program. How much is the fee?我想参加你们的健身活动。请问费用是多少?Please fill in this form in person. 请本人填写此表。,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,Activity 13Activity 14Activity 15Activity 16Activity 17,1,2,3,4,5,Exercise-13-2,Activity 13,Read and tick. 快速阅读海报,在下表中勾出相应的俱乐部。,学习策略提示在阅读过程中,我们可以根据不同的阅读目的采取不同的阅读方式。想想看,在这个活动中我们如何才能又快又准地找出答案呢?,Exercise-13-3,Activity 13,Exercise-13-1,Activity 13,Exercise-13-4,Translation,海报1 想做出自己的动画吗?快来电脑俱乐部,体验自制动画的乐趣和刺激!我们一定会带给你一个与众不同的世界!欢迎具备电脑基本知识的学生加入我们的俱乐部,联系电话:。海报2 想让你的生活变得更舒适吗?健康俱乐部是你最佳的选择。我们的工作人员会帮助你减轻压力,让生活变得更轻松简单。来到第二教学楼301 房间的健康俱乐部,让你的生活从此更健康,更快乐!海报3 你喜欢美食吗?烹饪俱乐部正在诚招新会员,带你体验烹饪的乐趣。随时欢迎您的加入,人人都有体验美食的机会。美食带给您美好生活!登陆 网站获得更多信息!海报4 你想获得工作经验吗?想通过自己的行动去帮助别人吗?志愿者团体每周日下午会给您提供体验精彩社会生活的机会。欲了解更多详情,请致电。社会服务,为你为我!,Exercise-13-5,重点词汇和句型,make life easier 此处的意思是“使生活更舒适”。Make something + adjective意思就是“使某事物变得( 具有形容词的特性)”, 形容词也可以采用比较级和最高级的形式。eg Youd better make it simple. The children are just in grade one. 你最好弄简单点,这些孩子才上一年级。 He wants to make things better, but he is actually bringing more troubles. 他想把事情办得更好,但是实际上他却带来了更多的麻烦。,Exercise-13-6,重点词汇和句型,choice 此处的意思是“选择”名词,它的动词形式是choose。eg I choose the red handbag. That is my choice. 我选那个红色的手提包,这是我的选择。,Exercise-13-7,重点词汇和句型,experience the pleasure of doing something 此处的意思是“体验做某事的乐趣”。eg Some people in the city want to experience the pleasure of living in the countryside. 一些城市里的人想要体验一下住在乡村的乐趣。experience 此处是动词,它还可以用作名词,表示“经历”,“经验”。eg I gained a lot of experience from my first job. 我从第一份工作中获得了大量的经验。 I will share my experiences of these years with you. 我要和你说说我这些年的经历。,Exercise-13-8,重点词汇和句型,turn away 此处的意思是“不准入内”,“拒绝进入”。eg The stadium was full. Many people had to be turned away from it. 体育场已经坐满了,许多人不得不被挡在外面。,Exercise-13-9,重点词汇和句型,be sure to do something 此处意思是“一定会做某事”。eg Im sure to give you the selling plan next Monday. 下周一我一定会把销售计划给你。,Exercise-13-10,重点词汇和句型,offer 此处是动词, 意思是“ 提供” 常见的用法有:offer something to somebody; offer to do something。eg The company has offered a high salary to him. 这家公司给他提供了丰厚的薪水。 He offered to help me decorate the house. 他主动提出要帮我装修房子。,Exercise-14,Activity 14,Read and complete. 再读海报,在活动13的表中填入相应的信息。,Exercise-15,Activity 15,Read and choose. 阅读以下个人表述,为他们在活动13的海报中选择合适的俱乐部。,Mom is often busy. Im going to learn cooking and help my mom.,Winter holiday is coming! Im going to do something outside school to experience a different life.,Im getting fatter. I feel so sad. Ill do some exercises to make myself healthy and happy.,Im so interested in computer games. Ill try all new games online.,Club to join: _,Club to join: _,Club to join: _,Club to join: _,Cooking Club,Volunteer Organization,Health Club,Computer Club,a,b,c,d,Exercise-16,Activity 16,Think and write. 再读海报,选择参加两个俱乐部,并至少写出两句话说明加入的理由。,( ) a. Health Club( ) b. Cooking Club( ) c. Computer Club( ) d. Volunteer Organization,_,Your Reasons:,_,_,_,I can keep myself healthy.,I can cook delicious food for my parents.,I can learn how to program computer software.,I can help other people with my classmates.,Exercise-17,Activity 17,Talk and decide. 和其他小组成员讨论,比较被大家选择的俱乐部。选出最受欢迎的俱乐部,并把理由汇总写在横线上。,The most popular club(s): _The reasons for your choice: _ _ _ _,Language in use-1,Language in use,Grammar focusVocabulary practice,1,2,Language in use-Grammar focus,Grammar focus,Im going to join the Social Service Club.We are going to invite some foreigners to the party.What club are you going to join?Will you go to the English Club this Friday evening?No. Ill take my computer class. What will you do this evening?,Language in use-2,1,2,3,Activity 18Activity 19Activity 20,Grammar focus,Exercise-18,Activity 18,Read and complete. 阅读以下句子,用所给词的正确时态填空。,1) I _ (buy) some presents for club guests tomorrow.2) What _ you _ (do) this weekend? I _ (do) some yoga exercises in my club.3) Wang Yang _ (join) the Literature Club next term. How much _ he _ (pay)?4) There _ (be) a chess contest in our school next month. _ you like _ (join) us?5) Who _ you _ (invite) for the lecture? We _ (decide) on the person at the meeting this afternoon.,will buy,are,going to do,am going to do,will join,will,pay,will be,Would,to join,will,invite,will decide,Exercise-19,Activity 19,Talk and write. 与同伴交流,询问他她放学后会做的三件事。,A: What are you going to do after class?B: Im going to play basketball after class.A: Will you watch TV after class?B: Yes, I will. / No, I wont. Ill do my homework first.He / She will _ _,eg,Exercise-20,Activity 20,Think and write. 写出你对三位同学毕业后生活的预测。,Wang Yang is going to work in Beijing._,eg,Language in use-Vocabulary practice,Vocabulary practice,1,2,3,Activity 21Activity 22Activity 23,Exercise-21,Activity 21,Think and choose. 想一个你自己喜欢的俱乐部,从下面框中选出能用来宣传你的俱乐部的词语并写在横线上。,_,gain experience good at playing basketball offer a chance toenjoy singing reduce stress experience the pleasure offill in the form club members are united welcome to join us,Exercise-22,Activity 22,Think and talk. 仿照例句,向同伴介绍你喜欢的俱乐部。,In this club, you can experience the pleasure of cooking.,eg,Exercise-23-1,Activity 23,Read and complete. 读对话,根据语境选择合适的词句补全对话。,a. swimming club b. Is it near herec. bring your own bathing suit and cap d. How are youe. Its a little expensive f. How much is the feeg. I enjoy swimming very much h. the qualification to join it,Li Xiaonian: Hi! Sara. Long time no see! _? Sara: Not bad. I just came back from my _.Li Xiaonian: _? Sara: Yes, its a new club next to the park. Why not join us, Xiaonian?,d,a,b,Exercise-23-2,Activity 23,Li Xiaonian: Id love to. _. What is _? Sara: Any healthy person can join. But you have to _.Li Xiaonian: I see. _? Sara: 30 yuan once.Li Xiaonian: _. I have to find a cheaper one, Im afraid.,g,h,c,f,e,UNIT TASK-1,Set up a club with your group members.,You and your group members are to set up a club of your own. Nowprepare for the club.,1) Brainstorm the things you like to do most in your spare time. Then write down three most popular activities you and your members like to do.,(1) _(2) _(3) _,Unit task,UNIT TASK-2,3) Interview your classmates to get at least 5 members for your club with the information above.4) Report in class how many members you get for your new club.,2) Decide on the name of your club according to the things you like to do. Then write down the qualifications to join the club and club schedule with your team members.,Unit task,PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE,Listen and repeat. 听录音跟读,并注意以下发音。,/BI/,/BJ/,/C/,/C:/,You put your right foot in.You put your right foot out.You put your right foot in,And you shake it all about.You do the Hokey Pokey,And you turn yourself around.Thats what its all about!,Pronunciation practice,SELF-CHECK,-,I learned:( ) basic ( ) forget ( ) club ( ) contact( ) united ( ) experience ( ) fan ( ) flash( ) form ( ) fun ( ) gain ( ) member( ) understand ( ) organization ( ) schedule ( ) pleasure( ) mention ( ) reduce ( ) staff ( ) stressI can:( ) ask for and give information about clubs.( ) talk about qualifications.( ) use simple future tense to describe actions in the future.,Self-check,Words-Expressions-1,united /ju5naItId/ adj. 联合的;团结的online /C:n5laIn/ adj. 在线的fun /fQn/ n. 快乐fan /fAn/ n. 爱好者,粉丝member /5membE/ n. 成员performance /pE5fC:mEns/ n. 表演,演出qualification /7kwClIfI5keIFEn/ n. 资格,条件form /fC:m/ n. 表格,Words & expressions,Words-Expressions-2,membership /5membEFIp/ n. 成员资格schedule /5Fedju:l/ n. 日程表certificate /sE5tIfIkIt/ n. 证书;证明experience /Ik5spiErIEns/ n. & v. 体验;经历pleasure /5pleVE/ n. 快乐,愉快staff /stB:f/ n. 职员reduce /rI5dju:s/ v. 减少stress /stres/ n. 压力,Words & expressions,Words-Expressions-3,flash /flAF/ n. 动画excitement /Ik5saItmEnt/ n. 兴奋;刺激gain /geIn/ v. 获得organization /7C:EnaI5zeIFEn/ n. 组织basic /5beIsIk / adj. 基本的contact /5kCntAkt/ v. 联系in line 成行,排队,Words & expressions,LIFE AND CULTURE-1,Life and culture,LIFE AND CULTURE-2,Translation,


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