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    英语句子成分 时态ppt课件.ppt

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    英语句子成分 时态ppt课件.ppt

    英语句子成分,1.主语 名、代、动名词 陈述句中在句首2.谓语 动词 陈述句中在主语后面(助动词/情态动词不能单独做谓语)3.宾语 名、代、动名词 在及物动词后面4.表语 名、代、形或介词短语 在连系动词后面5.定语 形容词或介词短语 形容词在所修饰的名词前面,介词短语在所修饰的名词后面。,6.状语 副词或介词短语 介词短语做状语一般在词尾注:除谓语外,主语、宾语、表语、定语和状语均可由单个单词、词组、短语或从句构成。例:The caterers( who do meals for us at work) are very good.,英语句子分类(按用途),一.陈述句 词序:主语+谓语动词+(其他成分) 例:1.He is a businessman.2.Tim has lost his camera.3.Im coming.,二.疑问句1.一般问句 词序:“是”/助/情+主语+(谓语动词)+(其他成分) 例: Is he a businessman? Has Tim lost his camera? Are you coming?,2.特殊问句 词序:疑问词+一般问句 词序 例: What does he do? What has Tim lost? Who is coming?,选择问句 词序:一般问句词序或特殊问句词序 例: Is he an employee or an employer? Which is higher,Mount Jolmo Lungma or Mount Fuji?,4.反意问句 前半部分为陈述句,后半部分为简短问句;前面肯定、后面否定或前面否定、后面肯定。例:Weve got plenty of cheese,havent we?We need some salad,dont we?There isnt enough ice cream,is there?,三.祈使句 无主语的陈述句,动词原形或 Dont+动词原形开头。 例:Go to English lessons.Dont translate every word.Dont smoke here,please.,四.感叹句 词序:感叹词+被强调部分+(其余按陈述句词序) 例:How fine it is today! 今天天气真好!What a pretty girl she is! 她是个多好的女孩!注:每种句子又有肯定和否定两种形式。例:He is a businessman. He is not a businessman.,英语句子的结构,一.简单句 只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子。例:He can read in English.He can read and write in English.Both his sister and he can drive a car. His father and mother can read and write in English.,二.并列句 由等立连词等连接的两个或两个以上的简单句构成的句子。例:There is a Yoga class on Tuesday morning and there are aerobics every evening.Theres a sauna,but there isnt a steam room.It is late,so we must hurry.The future is right;the road is tortuous.前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。,三.复合句 由两个或两个以上的简单句构成,其中一个为主句,其余为从句,充当主句的某个(些)成分。例:He asked when the work would be completed.(宾语从句)Id(I would) buy a flat if I won the lottery.(条件状语从句)Do you remember the meal (that) Franco cooked for my birthday?(定语从句),已学时态的构成用法及区别,一般现在时 谓语为动词原形(单数第三人称加s) work(s)1.表示习惯性的行为I go to work by bus. 我乘公共汽车上班。2.说明现在的状态I live in Shenzhen. 我住在深圳。,3.用在时间表和行程安排中The soap - London Lives starts at 6.30pm.肥皂剧 - 伦敦生活晚6点30分开始。4.表示将来(计划的将要发生的事情)Next month I do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Mondays.下月每周六我要练健美操,每周一练太极。,一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作或 存在的状态 谓语为动词过去式(动词原形+ed) workedI lived in my hometown from childhood. 我童年时代起住在我家乡。I went out last night.我昨晚出去了。,一般将来时,谓语为 will/(shall)+动词原形 will/(shall) work1.表示将来发生的事情或可能发生的事情Theyll drink 4 glasses each. 他们每人要喝四杯。2.用在第一人称,表示主动提议。A:The doorbells ringing. 门铃在响。B:Ill answer it. 我来接吧。 Shall I phone Tim now? 要我现在给Tim打电话吗?,即将来时(口语将来时),谓语为 am/is/are going+动词不定式am/is/are going to workWere going to visit my sister in America in June or July.我们打算六月或七月去美国看我妹妹/姐姐。,现在进行时,谓语为 am/is/are+现在分词 am/is/are working1.表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作Im waiting for an important call.2.表示现阶段正在发生的事情Anne is currently writing a course book,but right now shes watching TV.,3.表示最近的将来即将发生的事情Shes staying in France from Tuesday till Thursday.从周二到周四她将待在法国。注:have(有)及表示情感的like love hate think(觉得,认为)等状态动词一般无进行时态。Think作“想,思考”讲时和 have不作“有”讲时有进行时态。例:Im having lunch with a friend of mine.,过去进行时,谓语为 was/were+现在分词 was/were working表示过去某时正在发生的动作I was driving at 4 oclock yesterday.They were watching TV when I came in.注:某时正在进行的过程中、发生了别的事情时,往往前者用过去进行时,后者用一般过去时。例:I was driving along the motorway when my car broke down.我正在高速公路上行驶着,突然车坏了。,现在完成时,谓语为 have/has+过去分词 have/has worked1.表示过去发生的动作或事情对现在或将来的影响或产生的结果。Have you eaten?(If not,we can eat now.)你吃饭了吗?(如果没吃,我们现在去吃。)She has lost her wallet.(So she cant buy the ticket now.)她丢了钱包。(所以现在没钱买票。),2.表示过去的经历Ive been to Beijing. 我到过北京。She has read the book twice. 这本书她已经看过两遍了。3.表示从过去某个时候开始一直延续到现在、并且还有可能延续下去的状况。I have lived in Shenzhen for 10 years/since 1995.,注意下面两种表达在意义上的区别:He has gone to England.他去了英国。(还没有回来)He has been to England.他去过英国。(现在已经回来了),过去完成时,谓语为 had+过去分词 had workedShe said her father had been to Beijing.她说她父亲到过北京。,过去将来时,谓语为 would/(should)+动词原形would/(should) work1.表示在过去某个时间看来将要发生的事,用在宾语从句中。She said she would go to Guangzhou.2.用在虚拟条件句的主句中If I won the lottery,I would buy a big flat.3.用来表达委婉的提议 Would you like some tea?,在表示将来时用哪种时态?,1.在说话时作出的即时决定,表示预测,或单纯的将要存在的状态或事实,用一般将来时。2.表示将来的计划或意图,用to be going to do。Tim is going to borrow his parents car.,3.表示已经决定或计划好、安排好的活动或事件,用现在进行时。句中往往有具体的将来时间。Shes starting work next Monday.4.表示已经决定或计划好、安排好的活动或事件,出现在时间表或行程表中,用一般现在时。The month after next,I do two gym sessions.下下个月我练两次健身操。,现在完成时?还是一般过去时?,1.有 yesterday last week in 1998 这类具体的过去时间,用一般过去时;2.有 already just ever never yet before almost nearly 这类副词或 for/ since 引起的时间短语用现在完成时;3.强调动作、事情发生的时间、地点,用一般过去时;强调过去与现在的联系、现在的结果,用现在完成时。,应掌握的句型,1.My friends from college didnt turn up until 10 oclock. 我大学的朋友直到10点才(出现)来。2.This room is a real mess. 房间里乱作一团。My rooms in a mess. 我的房间很乱。3.I dont want to watch anything sad. 我不想看任何伤感的东西。,4.How about this one/taking the tube? What about Monday/doing the barbecue? Why dont we go to a restaurant? Why not go to a restaurant? Shall we have a sandwich? Lets go now.,5.Id(I would) prefer to see a film.我想看电影。I prefer watching TV to seeing films.与看电影相比,我更喜欢看电视。Id (I would) rather go to the cinema.我宁愿去看电影。Id(I would) rather not have coffee.我不想和咖啡。,6.What do you think of the leather trousers?How do you like the leather trousers? 你觉得/认为这皮革裤子怎么样?7.The jacket isnt big enough.8.We need to have the website redesigned.我们需要(叫人)重新设计网站。I must get new clothes made.我必须(叫人)做些新衣服。,9.The new web page can be either blue or red. 新网页可以是蓝色的或红色的。Which do you want? You can have either( of them).你想要哪一个?你要哪一个都可以。Can either of you come to the meeting?你们俩谁能来开会?,10.-Which of these two hotels do you like? -Neither (of them).-这两间酒店你喜欢哪一间?-都不喜欢。Neither the Concorde nor the Napoleon has a swimming pool?Concorde和 Napoleon都没有游泳池。,11.-Which of these two newspapers have you read? 这两份报纸你看过哪一份? -Ive read both (of them). 两份我都看过。Both the Eiffel and the Concorde have email facilities. Eiffel和 Concorde都有电子邮件设施。They are both very musical. 他们两个都爱好音乐。,12.I find my job so boring.(强调)I think I should keep the same name.Yes,so do I.(表示“也”)I want to buy the place next door so that I can expand it.(表示目的)I was so thirsty that I drank up a bottle of mineral water.(表示结果),13.Cambridge is north of London.Kunming is in the southwest of China.Chongqing is on the Yangtze River.Qingdao is on the coast.Liverpool is 30 miles from Manchester.Beijing is an hours/a one-hour drive from Tianjin.,14.Polly is worried about her lack of experience.Dont worry about me.Im fine,thanks.This problem worries me a lot. 这个问题让我很烦。15.We have enough money to make changes.We have enough money for the changes.,16.Tim was supposed to meet Mary after work.Instead,he went straight home.Tim下班后应该是接Mary的。但他不是,而是直接回家了。Instead of meeting Mary,Tim went straight home.17.In spite of the rain and the wind,he came by bike.18.She has to work every evening,but she doesnt have to work in the daytime.,19.you are not allowed to smoke here.20.They are all arrived on time except for /apart from Tim was late as usual. 除了Tim像往常迟到之外,他们都准时到达。,21.Im interested in animals.22.Mark is responsible for the French market. Mark负责法国市场。23.Frank is very good at web-design.24.A short break would be good for you.(一个短暂的休息对你是适合的。)25.Mary isnt keen on camping holiday.,26.I think it is very different from the West.我认为这与西方很不相同。27.She is more experienced at training than he (is). 她比他在搞培训上经验更丰富。28.I am frightened about the live performance. 我对现场表演感到害怕。29.She is related to me by marriage. 她与我有姻亲关系。,30.I am tired of/from work.I need a holiday.我工作累了,需要休假。31.Every day millions of people all over the world are able to watch these events on satellite TV. 每天世界上成千上万的人能够通过卫星电视观看这些赛事。32.I dont think youll be bored with so many water sports to do. 我认为如此多的水中运动要做,你不会感到烦闷的。,33.Polly is fed up with her job. Polly对她的工作感到厌倦。34.Ill be in touch again. 我会再(保持)联系。35.Her blue dress is made of cotton. 她的蓝色连衣裙是棉布做的。36.She is very patient with the children. 她对孩子们很耐心。,37.Im very pleased with what Im having done at the moment. 我对目前所做的这些是很满意的。38.Are you familiar with the rules of football? 你熟悉足球规则吗?,短语动词(multi-word verbs),agree with 同意 apply for 申请ask for 要,索要 bother about为烦恼break back 带回break down 出故障,坏了break into 破门而入bring up 抚养,培养come across 碰见,偶然发现,come round 过来catch up on 将弥补上catch up with 赶上,超过,追上claim for 索赔 clear up 整理depend on 依靠,取决于 do with 处理(置)fall in love with (sb) 爱上(某人)fill in 填写,find out 发现,了解get on 上车 get off 下车 get on (well) with 进展顺利,与相处融洽get ready for (sth) 为某事作准备get to 到达 get up 起床give up 放弃 grow up 成长go ahead 往下说,继续,批准,去吧give sth away 赠送,把送人,go for 选择 go off 离开go on 继续,进行go straight to 径直去go up 上升,增长,被兴建起来go up to 走上前来hand in 递交hear from 收到(来信或电话),得到(消息),help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人hurry up 赶快,赶紧insist on 坚持kick in 破门而入leave behind 丢下,遗忘leave for 从出发到,look after 照料,照看look for 寻找look forward to sth 期待,盼望look round 游览,闲逛name after 以命名pick out 拾取,选择(出)pick up 取(物),接(人),拾起,oint at 指向point out 指出put on 穿上,戴上;增加put up 张贴;举起put sb up 为提供食宿ring up 打电话set up 架起,设立,建立,show sb around 带某人看/参观take after (性格或长相)像take back 带回take off 脱下(衣服);起飞take part in 参加talk about 谈论,议论,讨论think of/about 想,想念,考虑,有看法trip over 绊倒,try sth on 试穿turn on/off 开/关turn out 结果(是),生产turn up 出现wake up 醒来walk off with 偷走work off (通过锻炼)减肥,work out 锻炼身体;作出,计出,算出; 发展为,结果是,Because 与 because of,Because 接句子, because of 接名词、代词或相当于名词的词组、短语。例:1.There are problems because she cannot speak English.2.There are problems because of her poor English.类似的有 instead与 instead of, except与 except for, think与 think of等。,-ing结尾的形容词与 ed结尾的形容词,-ing结尾的形容词由动词的现在分词转化而来,通常有主动含义,用来描述事件或某项活动本身所具有的特征,句中主语为事物;-ed结尾的形容词由动词的过去分词转化而来,通常有被动含义,用来描述人的感觉,句中主语为人。例:1.The story is very interesting.2.Im interested in this love story.,3.I was bored by the bad weather.我对坏天气感到厌烦。4.The bad weather was boring.坏天气令人厌烦。,一些常用词的用法,It pron. 它 1、代替前面提到的事物Id buy a flat if I could afford it.2、表示天气 It is cold.3、表示时间 It is seven oclock.4、有时指人 Who is it? 是谁?5、作形式主语或形式宾语It is difficult to say how many people are learning English.,Who,1、在疑问句中表示“谁”,作疑问代词。Who will answer the question?2、在定语从句中作关系代词,其含义为前面的先行词。The caterers who do meals for us at work are very good.(who指 caterers),类似 who 的用法的有:which,what,when,where,why,whose等,即它们既是疑问代词(副词),也可作关系代词(副词)。,That,1、作指示代词,意为“那”。Whos that?2、在定语从句中作关系代词,指物,亦可指人,其含义为前面的先行词,在定语从句中作宾语时常省掉。The people that arranged the meeting got the time wrong.(that指 the people),3、作连词,连接宾语从句(多为间接引语),常省掉。He said (that)he was waiting upstairs.4、作连词,连接主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。One idea is that fish is the best brain food.一种看法是鱼是最好的补脑食物。,5、so that (如此)以便/这样,以致I want to buy the place next door so that I can expand my restaurant.我想把隔壁的地方买下来,这样我可以扩大我的餐馆。He was so rude that she refused to speak to him. 他如此粗鲁,以致她拒绝跟她讲话。,If,1、用在条件状语从句中,意为“如果”、“假如”。What would you do if you had more money?2、用在间接引语的开头,意为“是否”,代替whether。She asked me if he was there.,To,1、作介词,表示“去,朝,向,对于”等。Ive just spoken to the caterers.2、不定式符号,与动词原形一起构成不定式。He asked them not to smoke here.,For 介词,1、为了,因为,用于(作)Hes working for the company.We have enough money for the changes.2、表示一段时间或距离I have lived in Shenzhen for 5 years.3、起连接名词或代词的作用Whats the French for “dog”? 法语“狗”怎么说?,Be(am is are was were等),1、作连系动词,意为“是”。I am a student.The story is very interesting.2、作助动词,与实意动词一起构成进行时态和被动语态。Shes working in the company.The laptop was stolen.,3、作实意动词,意为“当,成为”。I want to be a teacher.4、there is/are 等表示某个地方有/存在某物/人。There are a lot of running machines in the gym.There are 4 people in my family.,Have (has had等),1、作实意动词,意为“有”。I have a digital camera.2、作实意动词,其含义为与其连用的名词关联的动词含义。I usually have tea in the morning.(喝)I often have lunch at 12.30.(吃),3、作助动词,与实意动词一起构成完成时态。Have you eaten yet?Have you ever been to Beijing?4、作实意动词,意为“使,叫”,与过去分词连用。(have sth done)Ill have an I.D. photo taken.,Do (does did等),1、作实意动词,意为“做”。What does he do?2、作助动词,构成疑问句或否定句。What did you do yesterday?I dont know how to get to the bus station.3、加强语气,意为“的确,务必,真的”。I do miss London.我的确想念伦敦。,4、作实意动词,意为“好,行”。That will do.好/行。5、作名词,意为“庆祝活动”,相当于celebration/party。What about your leaving do?你的告别聚会怎样?,Go (goes went等),1、作实意动词,意为“去”。We went swimming this summer.2、作连系动词,表示趋向。Things go wrong. 情况不好/不妙。I think it is going very well.我觉得进展很顺利。3、构成即将来时,表示计划、打算。 Im going to visit Shenzhen museum.,Make 实意动词,1、制造,制作,做The car is made in China.Her mother is making a cake,2、使(成为),使得Overeating makes him ill.他吃的太多生病了。,Get,1、作实意动词,意为“得到,到达”。He got a silver medal in the sports meet.He got to the hotel in time.2、作实意动词,意为“使,叫”,用在get sth done 的结构中。Ill get an I.D. photo taken.,3、在英国英语中与have连用,表示“有”。(have got=have)Ive got a car.4、作连系动词,意为“变得,变成,成为”。The food is getting cold.食物变凉了。,Live,1、作动词,读liv,意为“生活,住”。Ive lived in Shenzhen since 2000.2、作形容词,读liv,意为“现场的,直播”。Is this the first time you have had live music instead of CDs? 这是你第一次不放CD,而用现场演唱吧?,Like,1、作动词,意为“喜欢”。What does he like?他喜欢什么?2、作介词,意为“像”。What does he look like?他看起来像谁?(外表)Whats he like?他像谁?(性格或行为),3、作动词,意为“觉得,认为”。How do you like Shenzhen?4、作形容词,意为“相同的,同类的”。He likes running,swimming and like sports.5、would like 想,要。表示客气,使说话的语气婉转一些。Id like to get some apples.,Take 动词,1、拿、取、带(走)(与give相反)Who has taken my pen?He was taken to hospital.2、需要、花费How long does it take to get to your home by tube?乘地铁需要多久到你家?,3、乘坐(车、船、飞机等)Do you take a bus or a train?4、代替别的动词The nurse took my temperature.护士量过我的体温。She asked us to take tea with her.她请我们跟她一起喝茶。,Rather,1. 单独用时表示“相当” Hes driving rather fast. 他车开得相当快。2. rather than 而不是 He ran rather than walked. 他是跑而不是走。3. would rather(d rather) 宁愿 后接动词原形 I prefer romantic comedies,so Id rather see Life without Steve.我喜欢浪漫喜剧片,(所以)我宁愿看没有Steve的生活。,要补充的英语基础知识,1、英语基本语法2、英语语音基本知识3、英语构词法4、英语读音规则5、英汉文字比较6、怎样记英语单词7、英语书写要求,


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