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    考研写作真题串讲班,潘赟邮箱: hf_新浪微博:valerie潘潘微信公共平台:panyun117,宏观写作综述,写作核心原则:准确、出彩,三大攻略:多样化:语言、内容、格式,多输入:单词、话题、模板勤输出:动手原则,考研写作整体要求,A节应用文100 words平均分5.5(10)分目标:8分时间:15分钟,B节大作文160-200 words平均分11(20)分目标:14分时间:35分钟,写作30分,大作文20分,小作文10分,开头段,中间段,结尾段,图画、图表,正面话题,中立话题,负面话题,格式,内容分类,留言条、通知、摘要,考研写作评分规则,A节应用文信息点的覆盖内容的组织语言的准确性格式语域的恰当,B节大作文内容的完整性文章的组织连贯性语法结构和词汇的多样性语言的准确性,dont = do not wont = will not,以大作文为例,20分满分 (英语二满分15分)= 17分的基准分 + 3分奖励分奖励分:卷面、字迹、闪光点基准分:语言、形式、内容,一、形式,三段论 (10-12字/行)开头段:introduction (4-5句,60字)中间段:body (7-8句,100字)结尾段:conclusion (4-5句,60字),二、内容,1、避免跑题,内容趋同 (温室花朵)2、万能话题,一例多用 (Phelps ),万能话题的选择一例多用,Phelps :2002. International athlete like Phelps enjoy and try to learn the Peking Opera 2001. start to help the poor in the western of China 2004. pursue one goal after another2007. The point is best illustrated with the example of Michael Phelps. 2008. Michael Phelps and his partner.,正面话题:希望工程 Hope Project 负面话题:Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Case中立话题:正面与负面的例子同时用,三、语言最重要,1、黄金开头原则2、语言的提高点链突破法,1、黄金开头原则,2001.范文赏析It is universally acknowledged that .It is generally believed that .黄金开头是闪光点(首段首句),2、点链突破法,点:词汇正确多样连贯句子正确多样复杂,(1)词汇,流畅起、承、转、合积累主题词 运用正确词升降级替换简单词复杂化,不离题,不出错,出彩,高分,积累相关主题词世界贸易组织: World Trade Organization 可持续发展: sustainable development坚持不懈: persistence合作: cooperation 主题词与模拟题,考场写作避免用不当的词来修饰不当的人或物handsome American girl 切忌乱造词volunteer - free women ?work without being paid,具体化,原则:宁用正确的简单词,不用错误的复杂词,语言的降级替换简单近义词in the contemporary society contemporarily -at present -nowadays -todays -now,语言的升级替换,think有哪些词可以换?,claimargueinsistguessin my viewfrom my point of viewas far as I can see,contendconsidercommit to the notiontake the attitude that.,六级以上,分类:individuals, the publicboys and girlsthe old and the youngChinese and foreigners,人 people,重要,be of great importance play a key rolesignificantcrucialessential,significantlycruciallyessentially,very,different,various a variety ofvary from person to person,揭示了., 表明了.,indicate reveal demonstrate = illustrate suggest = imply,简单词复杂化:(1) of +n. = adj. (2)the + adj. = 一类人the young , the old, the poor(3) n. + and its like (4) so called + n. = “所谓的”,(2)句式,简单句变复杂的方法五大经典句型,(小潘)老师讲课。在一个炎热的夏日午后,在无比宽敞明亮的合肥新东方的教室,一个黑黑胖胖的穿着短袖t恤的老师,毫无疑问,一个极其优秀的女教师,激情四射地讲着一节极其简单的考研写作课,这给大家留下了深刻的印象。,(1) adj. & adv. (2)插入语,(3)介词结构做修饰语 ,(4) 非限制性定语从句,(5)非谓语动词,(1)adj. , adv.measures - effective measures depict - vividly depicted,(2)插入语,主语谓语之间的“无实义”插入语。Undoubtedly, I am a great teacher. I, undoubtedly, am a great teacher. “合”:in short, to sum up , by and large 情感副词:surprisingly , ridiculously介词结构:for the young , for the world , in the modern society,(3)介词结构做修饰时间状语结构: in recent decade地点状语结构: in the world in the Western of China,(4)非限制性定语从句:(这) which ,这给我们留下了深刻印象, which leave us deep impression ,这让我探求图画背后的故事, which lead us to find what hide behind the iceberg,(5)非谓语动词 ( 意义阐述段)(韩非子)汝非鱼, 安之鱼之乐乎?你自己本身不是鱼,怎能知道鱼的快乐呢?05.养老 鱼老人, 乐孤独 loneliness06. 追星 鱼青少年 happiness 03. 温室花朵 (家长不是孩子,怎能感受到将来的痛苦呢?) sadness,我是一名教师,我讲课。I am a teacher. I give classes.Being a teacher, I give classes. I, being a teacher, give classes.,我不是一名教师,但是我讲课。I am not a teacher. I give classes. Not being a teacher, I give classes. I, not being a teacher, give classes.,(韩非子)汝非鱼, 安之鱼之乐乎?You are not a fish yourself. How can you know the happiness of a fish? How can you, not being a fish yourself, know the happiness of a fish?,2003. How can you , not being the children yourself, know the sadness of them?2005. How can you, not being the old yourself, know the loneliness of them ?2006. How can you, not being a young man yourself, know the happiness of idol worship ?,如果主语不同呢? It is hot today. I stay at home. It being hot today, I stay at home.,be 和 give 哪个变?I, being a teacher, give classes. 作为一个老师的我,讲课。I am a teacher, giving classes. 我是一个老师,讲课的老师。,保留之,总结:当前后两个句子的主语相同的时候,可以去掉一个主语,将句号改为逗号,并将其中一个动词变为ing.主语不相同的时候,保留主语。,(1)倒装句(2)虚拟语气(3)as 引导的让步结构(4)状语从句的省略问题(5) other than 比较级表示最高级,五大经典句型,(1)倒装句,介词地点状语提前,后接系表倒装。A young lady stands in the sunshine. In the sunshine stands a young lady. only 置于句首的部分倒装。 只有采取这些措施,我们才能Only with these measures taken can weonly + 一般疑问句,Only in this way can we enjoy a better life .Only with these measures taken can we taste/ enjoy / expect a colorful life. Only in this way can we make our world dimensional , colorful and vigorous.,(2)虚拟语气,It is high time + that +主语+did (刻不容缓)问题如此严重,我们必须马上解决这个问题。The situation is so serious, it is high time that we took measures to solve the problem. The situation being so serious , it is high time that we took effective measures to put an end to this trend. (遏制趋势),(3)as引导的让步状语从句,尽管漫画很简单,但其寓意却非常深刻。Simple as the picture is , the symbolic meaning behind it is as deep as ocean .,Although she is a girl, she sings like a man. Girl as she is , she sings like a man .,2004. 尽管他很累了,他还是坚持跑下去。Tired as he is, he has to continue his journey.,(4)状语从句的省略问题,入乡随俗:When in Rome, do as Romans do . When you are (状从的省略) in Rome, you do as Romans do.6岁的时候,我爸开始给我讲英文。when at the age of 6, my father began to teach me English. when at the age of 6, I was taught English by my father. 规则:当从句和主句的主语相同,而从句中的动词为系动词的时候,从句中的主语和系动词可以省略。,2003. 当小花从温室中挪出来的时候,它无法抵挡风雨的侵蚀。(P14)When the flower was removed out of the greenhouse, it can not withstand the storm.When removed out of the greenhouse, the flower can not withstand the storm.,(5)other than表达最高级,中国正面临非常严重的.问题in no other country than China The problem of . is more serious in no other country than China. In no other country than China is the problem of . more serious.,Ive no other thought than to love and be loved by you . no other than .正是,恰恰是,范文分析,98. 母鸡下蛋,虚假承诺Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:1. write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon (此提纲应分为两段写作:描述图画+阐释寓意)2. give your comments (给出评论:解决方法),总结:段落安排合理聪明的学生会举例句式复杂多样用词有效替换语法错误较少,2000. over-fishing 负面话题2001. love 正面2002. traditional culture become international 中立(文化类)2003. overprotection 负面2004. persistence 正面2005. support the old 负面2006.idol worship 负面(可中立)2007. self-confidence 正面:好处负面:缺乏的不好2008. cooperation 正面2009. internet 中立2010. mosaic culture 中立,话题分类,正面:2001, 2004, 2007, 2008负面:2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007中立:2002, 2009, 2010,图画写作,开头段:话题起+ 图画描述 +意义概括中间段落:意义具体+论据+(虚拟语气)结尾段:总结评价+ 建议措施 + 憧憬,话题起,(1)过去的数年见证了一个问题. ( 2000)(2)人们慢慢意识到. (2007)(3)中国正在面临非常严重的.问题 (2003)(负面问题)(4)报纸上有一幅图画引起了人们广泛的讨论。 (2001),(1)过去的数年见证了一个问题. 永恒话题,负面现象The past several years had witnessed a phenomenon that .2000. The past century had witnessed a dramatic change in the world commercial fishing industry. 2009. a huge development of science and technology,(2)人们慢慢意识到.的重要性 (+/-)There is a growing national / worldwide awareness / consciousness of the importance of .2007. self-confidence 2008. cooperation2010.多元文化 mosaic culturesmulti-cultures,(3)中国正在面临非常严重的.问题 (-)It has been said that in no other country than China is the problem of .more serious. In no other country than China, it has been said , is the problem of .more serious. 2003. childrens growth2005. supporting the elderly/old aging parents,4、报纸上有一副图画引起了人们的广泛讨论。(正、负、中)There has been a heated discussion about a picture in the newspaper.wide / deep / great newspaper, magazine , journal picture, cartoon, photograph, drawing(手绘画)Eg.: 2001. , 2002. , 2010,(5)万能开头句 (负面话题)过去十年间 the past decade由于 owing to 被执行 be carried out 同时带来 bring -bringing (伴随着)with,there is/ are sb. doing sth.+方式+地点+ 时间 .,(5)万能开头句 (负面话题)在过去的十年间,由于改革开放政策的执行,我国的经济有了巨大的发展,但同时带来了一些问题,而下面是最严重的。,The past decade had witnessed a huge development in economy owing to the reform and opening policy being carried out, bringing some problems at the same time, with the following one being the foremost. with the Hope Project being the foremost. with the following reason being the foremost,


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