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    词性转换,1.出题形式该题型是以填空题的形式出现在A级考试之中,主要考查考生对词汇的掌握程度以及对一些常用的词缀的使用。词形转换是指同一词根派生出的名词、形容词、副词、动词以及反义词等词形的相互转换。,2。应试策略 仔细阅读题干,正确理解上下文。 判断空白处应填哪种词性。 根据所给词进行转化,使之变为相应的词。 仔细检查,确定答案。,3. 词性变化的解题技巧 熟悉英语常见实词变化形式和常见语法要点,尤其要弄清楚它们在句中分别充当何种句子成分。牢记一原则,即:形容词大多修饰名词,副词修饰形容词和动词。例如:,形容词修饰名词;副词修饰形容词; 名词 +_(填副词修饰前面的名词)前面是不定代词(some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone), no(nothing,nobody,no one), every(everything,everybody,everyone,),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either, neither等),所填词多为名词;前面是助动词(be, have, has,do, does,shall, did,will, should, would),所填词多为动词;比较级 that +_ 通常填比较级形式(1、规则形式+er或把y变i+er 、 2、more +原型、3、不规则:many.much-more大量的,多的 little-less少量的 bad.ill-worse不好的 good。wellbetter好的old-elder/older老的 far-farther/further远的),从句子成分上来分析所填词的词性。例如:名词多作主语或宾语,形容词多作定语或表语,动词作谓语等。 掌握词性转换的基本知识和词性变化规则,尤其是常见的后缀变化。根据所判断的词类,联想所填词可能出现的形式或可能搭配的后缀,例如:,常见的名词后缀一tion,ment,ness, ing,ty,age,er,ist,常见的形容词后缀一ful,ive,able,ous,ish,ern,less,常见的副词后缀一ly,常见的动词后缀一ize,en等。,1)转换成名词,构成名词的后缀如下: “er” : 可以跟在某些动词后面,表示“做 ( 动作)的人”。如:a teacher 一个老师。 有时,“er”会被“ar”或“or”所替代。如:a beggar 一个乞丐; an actor 演员。,“ist”:表示“主义的(人);信仰的(人);家;操作者”。如:a Buddhist佛教徒;his socialist views 他的社会主义观点;a scientist 科学家; a guitarist 吉他手。,“age”:多加在动词、形容词后表示“的动作或结果”。例如:Breakage in the laboratory was excessive 实验室里损坏物件过多。 a shortage of water 缺水,“ure” 表示 “动作(过程);状态”例如:the closure of the factory工厂的关闭; public explosure 公开揭露。 “al”:表示“的动作”,例如 : her arrival 她的到达; a refusal 拒绝。,“dom”:在表示“的状况”时,构成不可数名词,例如:freedom 自由。在表示“身份,地位;统治领域”时,构成可数名词,例如:a kingdom 王国。,6.“ee”:表示“受动者;处于状态的人”。例如:an employee 雇员;an absentee 缺席者;an escapee 脱逃者。,7. “ance”、“ence”:表示 “的动作(过程、状况等)”。例如:his sudden appearance 他的突然出现;several performances 几场演出;his brilliance他的聪颖;a woman of unstudied elegance 自然典雅的女子;the existence of God 上帝的存在。,8. “ess”:表示“女(性);雌(性)”。例如:two lionesses两只母狮子,auditress女查帐员,女听众。9. “ian”:表示“与有联系的(人、物)精通的人”。例如:a mathematician 数学家,Indianian 印第安纳州人。,10.“ism”:指“主义;学说;行为;(动作)过程”。例如:his criticism Of my work 他对我工作的批评。 11. “ion”、“ (a) tion”:多与动词结合构成名词,表示“行为;状态;(动作或其过程的)结果”,例如:the completion of the task 这一任务的完成;his election to the post他对这一职位的选举。,12.“ness”:多与形容词结合构成名词,表示“(的)状态、性质、程度”,例如:the many kindnesses youve done to me你给我的许多帮助。,13.“hood”:表示“状态;时期”、例如:When a boy reaches manhood,he should behave like a man男孩成年后其行为应像个男子汉。,14. “ship”:表示“身份、地位,资格;(期间的)状况”。例如:full membership 正式会员;She was offered the professorship她被聘担任教授。,15.“ty”。“ity”:表示“特性、状态”,例如:With great regularity 很有规律。16.“y”:表示“的动作,的行为”。例如:What is the expiry date on your library book? 你从图书馆借的书哪一天到期?,2)转换成形容词,构成形容词的后缀如下: “able”:表示“可被的;具有性质的,处于状态的”。例如:unbreakable dinnerware结实的餐具;a knowledgeable man 学识渊博的人; a comfortable house 舒适的房子。 “ary”:意思是“的;与有关的”。例如:pupillary学生的。,“ant”、“ent”:表示“起,作用的;处于状态的”。例如:We spent a pleasant day in the country我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。,The expectant crowds waited for the king and his queen to pass 期待的人群等候国王和皇后经过。an independent thinker 独立的思想家。,“ful”和“less”:“ful”表示“充满的;有特性的;引起的”,例如:a careful girl 一个细心的女孩;a thoughtful man 有思想的男人 ; “less”表示“无;不,不能”,例如: a careless boy 一个粗心的男孩; a childless couple一对没有儿女的夫妻;a friendless man 没有朋友的人。,“en”:意思是“由制(成)的”。例如:a golden crown 金冠。6. “al”:表示“与有关的”。例如:coastal waters近海水域;fictional 虚构的,小说式的, 编造的。,7. “ous”:表示“具有的;充满的”。例如:This river is dangerous for swimmers 在这个河里游泳危险。 Their bedroom is very spacious 他们的卧室很宽敞。,8.“ish”:可以表示“民族的;地区的;有特征的(常有贬义)有点儿”。例如:Shes Swedish她是瑞典人。Dont be so childish!别太孩子气了!reddish hair 稍带红色的头发。,9. “ive”:表示“有性质(作用)的”。例如:the adoptive parents 养父母。 10.“ic”:表示“(像)的;与有关的”。例如:an alcoholic drink 含酒精的饮料;Byronic 有关拜伦的。“ical”表示“与有关的”。,例如:a historical lecture历史讲座。有许多形容词以“ic”和“ical”结尾。有些只能以“ic”结尾,例如:energetic 精力充沛的;tragic悲剧的。有些只能以“ical”结尾,,例如:grammatical语法上的;hysterical歇斯底里的。少数可用两者中任 一结尾而不导致语义的改变,例如:geometricgeometrical几何学的;magicmagical有魔力的;,oeticpoetical 诗的。另一些也可用两者中任一结尾,但语义不同,例如:economic 经济上的economical节省的,节约的;historic历史上有名的,有历史意义的historical历史(科学)的。 对于最后一种情况,要注意区分。,11.“ly”:表示“每隔;像样的,有特性的”。例如:an hourly check每小时检查一次; with queenly grace 以女王般的风度;a motherly woman慈母似的女人。,12.“y ” :表示“满是。的;有倾向的,易于的”。例如:dirty hands 肮脏的双手;curlyhair 卷发;feeling sleepy 感到困倦。,3)转换成动词,构成动词的后缀如下: 1.“ify”:表示“(使)成为;(使)充满”。例如:amplify(使)放大,增强 simplify简单化。 2.“ize”: 表示“使成为,使化;变成的状态”。例如: civilize使开化,使文明,教化; maximize 取最大值,最佳化,3.“en”: 表示“(使)成为;变得”。例如:strengthen 巩固,加强。 “ate”: 表示“使成为”,例如:regulate 调节,管制,控制;(使)缓和。,4)转换成副词,构成副词的后缀:“ly”:表示“以方式;从角度;每隔”。例如:l play tennis weekly。我每周打一次网球。因为“ly”既可以构成形容词,又可以构成副词,请注意区分以“ly”结尾的单词的词性。,Thanksgiving is a _ festival in the USA and Canada.,traditional,tradition,There were only a few _ from the air-crash.,survivors,survive,After careful _, the committee decided to recommend Mr. Smith for the post.,consideration,(consider),I have a _ supply of things to keep the children happy when we go on long journeys.,plentiful,plenty,Do you agree that it is important to make yourself _?,understood,understand,_ by the explosions, we all rushed out of the hall.,Frightened,frighten,Ive lived in Chongqing for several years and Im now accustomed to _hot food.,eating,eat,The street is a very _ place for you to open a new store.,desirable,desire,He has to check the _ of a difficult word before he uses it.,spelling,spell,The businessman lost a _ chance to make a big fortune.,golden,gold,Im the _ experienced of all the doctors here.,least,little,They decided not to visit the Great Wall because it was raining _.,heavily,heavy,Did you get the _ from the authorities to run the business?,permission,permit,In some parts of this city, missing a bus means _ for another hour.,waiting,wait,Frankly speaking, Id rather you _ nothing about it for the time being.,said,say,Doctor Richard, together with his wife and three children, _ to arrive in Beijing this afternoon.,is,be,Theres no use _ any more. Its fixed price.,bargaining,bargain,1. We appreciate _ with him, because he has a good sense of humor.,work,2. Her early _ gave everyone a big surprise.,arrive,3. Jack must _ away-we cant find him anywhere in the factory.,go,4. The director required that every member in his department _ to this report.,refer,5. The little girl gave an _ wonderful performance last night.,extreme,6. He was told that the stranger _ for him for two hours.,wait,7. My secretary asked me if I had anything else for her _ before she left.,type,8. This piece of music was composed by a very famous blind _. music,8. This piece of music was composed by a very famous blind _.,music,1.working,2. arrival,3.have gone,4.( should) refer,5.extremely,6. had waited/ had been waiting,7.to type,8.musician,1.Buying a house in such a neighborhood can be a _ business.,cost,2.With his knowledge and experience ,he is no doubt _for the task.,qualify,3.The more challenging the journey is, the _ the young people will feel.,happy,4.Following the _ settlement of the strike , the train service is now back to normal.,success,5.He might not have been killed in the traffic accident yesterday if he _ the seat belt.,fasten,6.There has not been a favorable _ to your plan so far.,respond,7.Provided that there is no _, we will begin with the next item.,object,1.costly,2.qualified,3.happier,4.successful,5.had fastened,6.response,7.objection,


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