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    托福口语复议一定会提分吗 托福口语复议一定会提分吗?详细分析复议结果相关信息。今天给大家带来托福口语复议一定会提分吗,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语复议一定会提分吗?详细分析复议结果相关信息一、托福口语复议优势与风险优势:1、当考生其它分数很高,某单项成绩很低,比自己预想的成绩低很多时,通过托福口语复议考生可以拿到自己“应得”的成绩,不用再受车轮战考试之苦。2、申请时间充足的情况下,可以用剩余的精力去准备其它考试(比如SAT)。3、避免再次考试时已经考到不错成绩的其它单项成绩反而下滑的情况。风险:1、如果托福口语复议成功了,也不一定都是好事情,因为口语和作文的复议会在原始成绩上加分,也有可能减分。2、复议过程中成绩会被冻住,不能申请送正在复议的分数。如果在复议前已经帮你送出了很多这次的成绩,复议成ETS会免费帮你重新送一次复议后的新成绩到所有你以前申请送过分的学校。学校以新的成绩为准。3、复议持续的时间流程长短不一,根据处理效率从几周到两月,不是所有人都等得起的!4、复议后分数没变化(多数情况):那么这个成绩也不能进行再次复议了,这是一个最终成绩,你的选择就是重新考,对很多人来讲这是时间的浪费。二、托福口语复议的真相复议后分数波动的比例及成绩提高或者降低比重:百分之十左右的参加复议的同学分数会发生变化,在这些变化的人中间:大约五分之三的人会涨分,五分之二的人会降分。三、托福口语复议的选择以下几种人建议最好进行托福口语复议:1、口语17、8分以下,且有自信者。这个分数有些偏低,对申请学校帮助不大。2、口语20分以下,特别是在17分以下,而其他三项均在24分以上者,并且不是哑巴口语。其他三项都考得不错,意味着考生总体水平不错,所以复议成功的可能性很大。3、没有准备时间再提升水平考第二次,成绩离学校的要求还差2-3分,而学校又很苛刻者。4、印象中自己发挥很好,对比答案和评分标准觉得靠谱,并且不甘心,想要给自己一个交代的。总而言之,是否选择进行托福口语分数的复议还需要考生结合自身实际情况再做决定,上文提到的利弊细节结果还请各位同学充分考虑。托福口语范文:学生反对导师可以接受吗20XX年最新托福口语题目:学生反对导师可以接受吗11月21日托福口语解析Task 2Do you agree or disagree that its acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:I agree that its acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors for the following reasons. Firstly, disagreeing with our instructors means that we are thinking independently and may even push us to study harder. Take myself as an example, when I was in college, I sometimes would disagree with what my instructor said in our philosophy class, so what did I do? Every time I finished my philosophy class, Id spend hours in the university library trying to find proof to prove that I was right and he was wrong. In the end, it didnt even matter any more who was right or who was wrong. What was important was that through the process of trying to prove myself right, I learnt a lot of new things that I didnt learn in class. Plus, its important for universities to protect the ideas of students, if we dont allow them to disagree with something, they will never be able to build up their independent thinking ability and critical thinking ability.托福口语范文:过程和结果哪个更重要20XX年最新托福口语题目:过程和结果哪个更重要Task 2Which one do you think is more important? The process of doing something or the result at the end?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:I personally believe the result at the end is important but not as important as the process of doing something. The process of doing something simply is the part that gives us all the fun and all the good memories. Take my second-grade assignment as an example, we were all asked to make a report about Thanksgiving. So I teamed up with my dad and little by little, we started this magnificent research of Thanksgiving. I remember I went online and searched for as much related information as possible, how the tradition of Thanksgiving started, how the pilgrims arrived to America and how they celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the native Americans. And my dad helped me make a list of the differences between American and Canadian Thanksgiving. We went to the supermarket together to take pictures of the ingredients people needed to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal. My dad even printed out the recipe of my grandmas cranberry sauce for me to include in my report. I really cant recall if I got a good grade that time, but I still remember all the fun I had with my dad and the funny pictures we took in the supermarket, until today I still keep that report because it reminds me of all the fun I had during the process of making it. Plus, through the process of doing something, theres always something for us to learn, and theres always something to inspire new ideas.


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