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    Study skills,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Studying aims,Learn to pronounce(发音) the five vowel letters(元音字母).Practise(操练) reading them in different activities(活动).,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Kate,Simon,Peter,Hobo,Una,五个元音字母:a, e, i, o, u,最新初中英语精品课件设计,make a cake,near the lake,Kate,he,she,we,?,Peter,最新初中英语精品课件设计,fly a kite,ride a bike,Simon,最新初中英语精品课件设计,go home,nose,最新初中英语精品课件设计,listen to music,use a computer,Una,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Tongue twisters 绕口令,最新初中英语精品课件设计,认识发音器官,执教及课件制作:Maggie 2014/9,最新初中英语精品课件设计,name,cake,lake,face,game,/eI/,Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters” a “.,重读开音节:,1.元音字母(1个)+辅音字母(1个)+字母e (不发音),最新初中英语精品课件设计,/ei/ 是双元音。是字母a在重读开音节单词中的读音。先发/e/音,然后滑向/i/音。前长后短,前重后轻。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。,最新初中英语精品课件设计,these,be,we,he,me,/i:/,Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters” e ”.,重读开音节:,2.直接以元音字母结尾,最新初中英语精品课件设计,/i:/ 前元音,长元音,一定把音发足。是字母e在重读开音节单词中的读音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/。口形扁平,微笑样。,最新初中英语精品课件设计,time,bike,rice,fine,kite,/aI/,Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters “ i “ .,最新初中英语精品课件设计,/ai/ 是双元音,是字母 “i”或 “y”在开音节中的发音。如:my先发/a/音,然后滑向/i/音。舌尖抵住下齿。前长后短,前重后轻。发此音的关键把/a/音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。,最新初中英语精品课件设计,so,go,nose,home,no,/u/,Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters” o ”.,最新初中英语精品课件设计,/u/是双元音,是是字母 i 在重读开音节单词中的读音。它由元音 / 滑向后元音 /u/ ,前长后短,前重后轻。,最新初中英语精品课件设计,use,computer,pupil,cute,music,/ju:/,Read the words below and pay attention to the sounds of the letters” u ”.,2.直接以元音字母结尾,最新初中英语精品课件设计,五个元音字母,/eI/,a,e,i,o,u,重读开音节,/i:/,/aI/,/u/,/ju:/ 或 /u:/,重读闭音节,/,/e/,/,/,/,1,最新初中英语精品课件设计,音标(48),元音(20),辅音(28),单元音(12),双元音(8),/eI/ /i:/ /aI/ /u/ /ju:/,2,最新初中英语精品课件设计,国际音标,P106-107,grade,he,hello,like,make,me,music,those,use,white,Read and write,/e/,/i:/,/,/a/,/e/,/i:/,/ju:/,/,/ju:/,/a/,/i:/ _,/e/ _,/a/ _,/ _,/ju:/_,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Look at the groups(组,群) of words. Try to read the new words according to(根据) the sound(声音) of the word in the centre(中心) in each group.,/e/,/a/,/,face,nice,home,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Listen and read,Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the sounds of the letters in red.,1. Listen to the music. Its nice.2. These students often fly kites.3. Those pupils like playing games.4. He likes the cute baby.5. Sometimes we go home late.,Tips:,My birthday,My birthday is in May My friends will come to my home to sing and _We will not go to the sea But we will under a big _Just greet each other “hi” And dont ask _We can listen to the radio I will not let you _,/e/,/ i: /,/a/,/,play,tree,why,go,A Poem(诗),/e/,Rain, rain, rainIts a rainy dayThe rain will come again soonThen take the umbrella and a cakeIf the rain doesnt stopThen you can have the cake,Tongue twisters 绕口令,/e/ :ai, ay, a,I can see the seaThe deep green seaDown past the green treeThere the men drink their teaAnd the whole beach is freeSeeing the sea always makes me free.,/ i: /,Tongue twisters 绕口令,/i:/ : ee, ea, e,Kite, kite, kiteI like to fly my kiteToday is fine and niceLets go out to play our kitesThe kite can fly high across the countryside(穿过乡村),/a/,Tongue twisters 绕口令,/a/ : i, igh,最新初中英语精品课件设计,Tongue twisters 绕口令,Rose likes ice cream at homeBut never when shes at home aloneShe rode her bike to meet with JoanSo they could share an ice cream at home,/,/ : o, oa,最新初中英语精品课件设计,You, you, you You are so cute.Let me make friends with youWe cant be happy without you,/ju:/ /u:/,Tongue twisters 绕口令,/ju:/ /u:/ : ou, u,最新初中英语精品课件设计,听老师读单词,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、lake cap potato,( ) 2、plate same lamb,( ) 3、what name grape,( ) 4、tomato rain day,( ) 5、take cat make,B,A B C,C,A,A,B,( ) 1、twelve sea sweet,( ) 2、feet tree desk,( ) 3、teacher egg tea,( ) 4、these bed free,( ) 5、then help deep,A,A B C,C,B,B,C,听老师读单词,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、sit nice kite,( ) 2、side in it,( ) 3、pink fish high,( ) 4、time like kitchen,( ) 5、dinner rice drink,C,A B C,A,C,B,C,听老师读单词,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、hope Coke clock,( ) 2、so Joan tomato,( ) 3、Rose socks off,( ) 4、hold lock rode,( ) 5、home potato sorry,C,A B C,C,A,B,C,听老师读单词,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、lunch cup use,( ) 2、fun music computer,( ) 3、use cute run,( ) 4、cut pupil hurry,( ) 5、tube you blue,C,A B C,A,C,B,A,听老师读单词,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,An invitation letter,Thank you!,By Maggie,


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