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    四六级基础如何拿下雅思口语七分呢 今天给大家带来四六级基础如何拿下雅思口语七分,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。四六级基础如何拿下雅思口语七分摘要:虽然基础不差,但仅局限于大学的四六级,其实这些对于雅思来说根本没有可比性。上面说的那些写“简介/提纲/框架”可能大家会觉得心里没底,那些长句子不背下来即兴说根本说不出四六级基础能拿下雅思口语七分吗? 成绩已出,雅思总分7.5(听8,说7,读7.5,写7)虽然基础不差,但仅局限于大学的四六级,其实这些对于雅思来说根本没有可比性。大家经常看到一些六级分数很高的人考雅思口语依然5.在雅思上我觉得是Nothing is impossible.我考了3次,第一次裸考口语5.5,第二次准备20天6.不谈什么备考方法,在口语上准备和没准备都可能有0.5分的差距。这次准备的时间有1个月,找对了方法,虽然成绩是7分,但我相信自己肯定还有非常多的不足。1、考雅思普遍的误区时间误区:经常看到一些人问几月考会简单几月考会难这样的问题。其实雅思官方是不可能将难易程度偏向某场考试的,只能说可能每年会换题的两个月会相对“难”一些。但其实说这几个月“难”无非就是新题目数量的增多。但如果掌握了答题的技巧,不管新题目就题目区别就是回答方法。所以,考试时间应该根据自己的学校申请来选择,不是说哪个月难就避开。换句话说,可能别人觉得容易的对你来说难,你觉得容易的别人觉得难。地区误区:从考雅思到现在,好似有个普遍的认同就是偏远地区的考官会抓的松一些。我觉得这和运气有关。我一个朋友是北京的,但25号花了大力气去兰州考,结果比上次还低了0.5,唯一的收获就是去吃了个烧饼。我觉得,以前考雅思的人不多的时候,一些偏远考点可能人数少确实会相对松一些。但现在雅思处于全国爆满的状态,不管什么考场人都不少。考官更是“流动作案”,如果你所在的考点有考位,就直接在本地考;如果确实在本地考烦了,换个附近的考点也可以。连考误区:这个就不多废话了。连着报几场考试真心是精力有限忙不过来,根本没办法静下心来复习。一次次比上次分数低自信心也受打击,考多了最后就放弃了。身边有几个人同学都是这样的,本来还想出国的,连着两场下来都决定放弃去考公务员了。2、选择复习材料和使用方法对于大部分要求6-7的烤鸭这两样足够。十天虽然泛滥但确实写得很好,地道的短语和句式有很多。我的具体做法:首先按照预测和十天将话题整理出来,人/物/事/是最基本的整理方法,我全部都是自己用草稿纸写下来,大约30个不到;整理好之后按照这些topic逐个写简介,注意不是写完整答案是简介,每个话题我能想到的点。30个话题写提纲很快就能完成,接下来就是要用准确的表达来将这些提纲串成完整的句子。在地道短语和词汇上可以参考十天,注意是参考短语和单词而不是照着背句子。如果照着背那前面做的什么整理什么框架简介全部白费。在做上面“细活”时不要把每个句子都用笔写下来,一张纸一张纸像写作文似的。把可能记不住的短语备注在topic旁边,其他的东西全部在脑子里想一遍。以上“准备工作”全部做完之后,接下来才是真正进入主题:说!上面说的那些写“简介/提纲/框架”可能大家会觉得心里没底,那些长句子不背下来即兴说根本说不出来。我觉得,写作和口语最大的不同点就在句子使用上。写作是考你句式多样性和用词多样性;而口语就是考你的表达,用最简单直接的句子能不能把你的想法说清楚,就这么简单。练这些话题的时候可以自己对着墙说,也可以用口语APP练。如果一直是自己复习更推荐这些工具,一般它们里面模考的题目都很新,老师出的点评也很准确。我虽然报的是新东方保分班,其实不是冲着那0.5分去的,看好的是有老师的辅导。PART2部分一定要练到非常熟悉,因为这部分经常变着法子问,就像我2.25PART2考到的something useful you were taught这个题貌似就是把之前的a person who taught you a useful skill变了一下。其实从很多老师的预测里也可以看出,雅思口语考的就是话题的熟悉程度,不是考你知道多少单词你经历多丰富。一个从来想都没想过的话题放在面前,就算一个英文再厉害的人都不知道从何说起。在句子构思上,我不太明白很多大牛说的“英式思维”。作为一个地道的中国考生,一时半会把思维都改变了不现实,只能说尽可能的用地道的表达去代替过于chinglish的想法。这个完全可以在语法上改变,建议大家可以去报名参加一些雅思口语课程。雅思口语:a picture or a photograph you like in your roomFor the favorite picture I have in my room is the one with my boy friend and I smiling in front of the Disneyland Park. It is put right on the wall facing my bed so every time I lie down I can remember those moments.The memories still come to me that the photo was taken on a rainy night when everything seemed dim in the distance and noises were replaced by the profound serenity of raindrops.We had a great time at the Carousel with many other couples taking photos of each other. And minute upon minute, note upon note, the little horses would go up and down.When the music faded out and the fantastic tour came to its end, the dark night sky was kindled by fireworks rising behind the Disney castle where all fairy tales dwelled in. Those dancing images of mascots were projected on the castle, reviving the happy moments although the fact that the park was closing soon made us a little sad.But at least we still have the photo. It is always reminiscent of that lovely time at the park and I believe there are more happy moments to be filmed with us together.本篇中我选择了一些稍难但”含情脉脉”的词在雅思口语中表达情感。要知道说的越真实,细节越多,越能打动考官获得高分1. Dim: (light) not brightIe: This light is too dim to read by2. serenity:the quality of being calm and peacefulIe: The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city3. Fade out: to become less clear or quieterIe: Fade out the music at the end fo the scene4. Reminiscent: remind you of somebody/somethingIe: The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father.雅思口语高频话题:想见的外国名人今天为大家分享的雅思口语高频话题是:想见的外国名人。Describe a famous person (not in your country) that you would like to meet in person.You should say:Who the person is;What the person does;How you got to know about him or her;And explain why you want to meet the person.这个雅思口语可以关联的话题是:Describe a band or a singer that you like.这个雅思口语Part2的核心内容:What the person doesWhy you want to meet the person雅思口语核心内容如何体现:- 描述此人做的事(what) +描述人(person )+自己的评价和感受(why),答合并Describe a band or a singer you like 话题。- 对人的描述可自由发挥,参考回答偏重描述性格,也可参考Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome中描述外貌的语料。SampleId like to talk about one of my idols, Justin Bieber. Hes a famous singer and songwriter in Canada.If memory serves correctly ,I discovered him about 9 years ago when his song, “Baby” went viral on the internet. The song is all about understanding and exploring the concept of love, mainly the ambivalence a teenage boy feels for his first love . Its quite a brainwashing song and I could sing along soon when listening to it. I became obsessed with the song because of its appealing melody and its catchy lyrics.It was after hearing “Baby” that I began to familiarize myself with Justin Bieber and his songs. What is most interesting about Justin is that he isnt only known for his numerous hits, but also his controversial personal life. He went through ups and downs after being famous overnight. In fact, hes now far from the immature andinexperienced young boy. If you dont know him, you must be amazed by his rich life experiences and various music styles, and you wouldnt peg him as being a 24-year -old young man.I think Justin Bieber is extremely creative and has written tons of beautiful and touching songs, which has helped him grow a population of true die-hard fans. I really hope I can meet him in person one day. I would ask him to take a selfie with me, and brag about that for the rest of my life. I also have a few questions to ask him, like where he gets inspiration for his songs.雅思口语part1一个套路就够了选择题第一种:Do you prefer A or B? 你更倾向哪一边?话不多说,上例题 (例题选自本季度part 1机经)Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?答题框架:Well, if you ask me, I say A is my top choice. As a X.X person, its like a common practice for me to _, but I am not saying that X.X is not cool. You know, its just the matter of preference.词汇句式解析:top choice 首选a X.X.X person 是一种固定表达,意思是喜欢X.X.X的人E.g. I am a dog person. 我是一个喜欢狗的人。Its like a common practice for me to 对某人来说习惯做某事思路解析:首先,第一句话我们要明确回到你的选择是什么。如果喜欢早上学习,那我们可以说Well, if you ask me, I say studying in the mornings is my top choice. 之后我们就加入细节或是解释来丰满答案。为了保证答案的长度我们还可以在补上一句,说明下午学也不是不好,只不过是自己的偏好问题。As a morning person, its like a common practice for me to do reviews and previews after breakfast, but I am not saying that studying in the afternoons is not cool. You know, its just the matter of preference. 基本上只要记住这三句话就可以把Do you prefer A or B?决掉,那么在备考阶段我们就可以适当减轻下负担。选择题第二种:Do you think your city is clean or not?答题框架:Properly speaking, to this question, Id like to say _ (topic words) , cause I really think _. However, on second thought, its not always the case. You know, there will always be exceptions.词汇分析:on second thought 仔细想一想Its not always the case. 情况不总是这样There will always be exceptions. 凡是总有例外思路解析:如果你实在是没有想法,或是没有精力每一道题目都自己准备,那么就可以尝试下这样万能句式。只要把关键词句套进去就可以保证2-3话的产出。针对你的城市干净与否这个问题,我们可以先说我第一反应就是干净,因为我真的觉得没什么垃圾。但是仔细一想,有时候也是不干净的。解答文字版:Properly speaking, Id like to say my city is well kept, cause I really think there is no much junk on streets. However, on second thought, its not always the case. You know, there always be exceptions. Sometimes streets are littered with trash.下面附上本季度part 1话题中所有同类型话题,大家可以快速操练起来啦!Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?Do you prefer to use a calculator when doing mathematics?Do you prefer hot or cold weather?Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market, or in normal shops and shopping malls?Do you prefer the city or the countryside?Do you prefer being indoors or outdoors?Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks?Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil?Do you prefer natural parks or amusement parks?四六级基础如何拿下雅思口语七分


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