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    Unit 2 Silent Struggle,Objectives,Part I Video Starter,Part II Text A,Part III Text B,Part V Additional Theme-Related Activities, Exercises, Exercises,Outline,Part IV Writing,From studying this unit, students are expected tomaster the words, expressions and sentence structures that are the focuses of the exercises following the Text A;understand how to build words using suffix ency;talk and write about adventure and travel experiences;be familiar with noun verbalization employed in the Text.,Objectives,Part I Video Starter,To begin, well watch a video clip and try to grasp its message. Getting to know the words and expressions in the box below first may be helpful.,Part I Video Starter,Video Clip,【Script】,Ask the students the following questions after listening and watching if you have enough time:,1. What does the instructor begin with?2. What is the instructor trying to guess?3. What does the instructor say if you want to pursue your dream here in China?4. What is the social problem mentioned in the talk?,A question about the American Dream.,Our possible response to the question.,_,_,We are something.,_,It is that many Chinese are pursuing the American dream in the USAwhile their parents are left living by themselves in the empty nest.,_,Occasionally, they will replace their visits with remittances and gifts.,5. What is the psychological problem with the parents?6. How do their children strike an internal balance between their continuous ambitions and aspirations and their loyalty and filiality?7. What can we call this?,They tend to suffer from empty nest syndrome.,_,_,It is a silent struggle in this nation of immigrants.,_,Now that the students have fully understood the Video Starter, you can ask some of them to dub the video, if time permits. Correct their errors in pronunciation and intonation.,Hi Class, Is the American Dream still ringing in your ears1? Hopefully, this question brings you to the threshold2 of Unit Two. Maybe, you dont expect such a question at the moment, do you? Let me try to read your mind3. Your response may go like this: I have never given a thought to the American Dream, and I will pursue my dream here in China. Youre really something if you have something like that on your mind. By the way, do you know how many Chinese immigrants are pursuing the American Dream in the USA? And how many parents are left living by themselves while their children are chasing the American Dream?,Video script:,It is hard to tell, isnt it? Geographically4, the Pacific Ocean serves as the long distance that makes visits extremely difficult. As it is5, the parents are living in what is called “empty nest6 and they tend to suffer from “empty nest syndrome”, which is generally accepted as the lonely, abandoned feeling of the home being empty. At the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, their immigrant children are too busy pursuing the American Dream to visit their lonely parents. Occasionally, they will replace their visits with remittances7 and gifts to strike an internal balance between their continuous ambitions8 and aspirations9 and their loyalty10 and filiality11. Is this a silent struggle in this nation of immigrants? Im sure you will better understand what I am trying to say when you read the coming text.,1. ring in ones ears: to make one feel that one can still hear sth. 耳边(脑海里)犹响起2. threshold: the floor of an entrance to a building or room 门槛,门口3. read sb.s mind: to guess what sb. else is thinking 猜透某人的心思,e.g.,His warning was still ringing in my ears.,e.g.,He had never crossed the threshold of a bar before.,e.g.,I have known John so long that I can read his mind.,4. geographically: with respect to geography 从地理上来说5. as it is: taking present circumstances into account; as things are 照现状看;看样子6. empty nest: the situation that parents are in when their children have grown up and left home 空巢,e.g.,Managing geographically distributed teams is no easy job.,e.g.,I thought I might be transferred but as it is I shall have to look for a new job.,e.g.,Empty nest syndrome describes the depression that can result for a parent whose children are all out of the house.,7. remittance: a sum of money which you send to someone 汇款8. ambition: strong desire to achieve sth. 抱负9. aspiration: strong desire or ambition 志向,e.g.,She sends a small remittance home to her parents each month.,e.g.,She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.,e.g.,He was filled with the aspiration to succeed in life.,10. loyalty: the quality of being loyal 忠11. filiality: the relation or attitude of a child to a parent 孝,e.g.,They swore their loyalty to the king.,e.g.,One should be filial to ones parents; I have never heard of a view stating that one shouldnt practice filiality.,Part II Text A,An Immigrants Silent Struggle Robert Kosi Tette,Back home in Ghana, I am the embodiment of success. But life in America hasnt always been easy.,According to the title, what is this text mainly about?,Question About the Title,It is about how an immigrant silently battles against his burdened life in the host country.,一位移民的无声挣扎 罗伯特科希泰特,Chinese Version,在老家加纳,我是成功的化身。可是,在美国的生活却一直不容易。,Author: Robert Kosi Tette(罗伯特科希泰特) is a native of Ghana, West Africa. He currently lives and works in Detroit as an engineer. Achieving higher education has been his goal since arriving in the United States in 1987. He earned his bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from PrairieView A & M University, Texas, and holds respective graduate degrees in engineering and business administration from Purdue University, Indiana, and the University of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. His March 10, 2008 Newsweek article “An Immigrants Silent Struggle” has been nominated for a 2008 New York Association of Black Journalists Award.,Newsweek: an American weekly news magazine published in New York City. It is distributed throughout the United States and internationally. It is the second largest news weekly magazine in the U.S., having trailed Time in circulation and advertising revenue for most of its existence. Newsweek is published in four English language editions and 12 globaleditions written in the language of the circulation region.,“I want to be just like you. You are from uptown, arent you?” the young man asked in the local slang with a vigorous smile unaware of 1 the scorching tropical sun. Selling bags of onions at the roadside, his extra-large T-shirt and drooping jeans were a testament to the widespread influence of American pop culture in Africa. I had accepted a seat at his onion stand to take a break2 before concluding business in Accra that afternoon. Between brisk sales serving customers stuck in traffic, he asked incessant questions about life in America, convinced that having a visa to the United States was like winning the lottery. How could I tellhim that I envied his simple life and blissful innocence when I was guilty of 3 the silent culture that had helped to perpetuate a false image of Africans living abroad?,1.未察觉到 2.休息一会儿 3.感到内疚,Questions About This Paragraph,1) What was the young man doing at the roadside? What did his clothes testify?,He was selling bags of onions at the roadside. His clothes extra-large T-shirt and drooping jeans testified the widespread influence of American pop culture in Africa.,2) What did the young mans incessant questions about life in America suggest?,The questions suggested that the young man had a false perception about life in America, i.e. having a visa to the United States was like winning a lottery.,3) Deep down what did the author want to tell the young man?,Deep down he wanted to tell the young man that he envied his simple life and blissful innocence and that he felt guilty of the silent culture that had helped to perpetuate a false image of Africans living abroad.,“我想像你那样。你住在城外住宅区,是吗?”年轻人不顾热带阳光的炽烤,面带充满朝气的微笑,用当地俚语问道。他在路边出售着一袋袋的洋葱,身穿超大的T 恤和宽松肥大的牛仔裤美国流行文化在非洲的广泛影响力的佐证。我受邀在他的洋葱摊位旁坐下小憩片刻,下午将前往阿克拉成交一笔业务。他生意兴隆,在为堵在路上的顾客提供服务的间隙,还不停地问我一些关于美国生活的问题,深信获得一张去美国的签证就像赢得彩票一样幸运。当我为这种令生活在海外的非洲人的虚假形象得以长存的无声文化感到内疚时,我怎么才能告诉他,我羡慕他简朴的生活和无忧无虑的单纯呢?,Chinese Version,e.g.,I was completely unaware of the whole thing.Tom carried on reading, seemingly unaware of my presence.,be unaware of: not to know or not realize 未认识到,未察觉到;不知道,tropical: a. coming from, found in or typical of the tropics 热带(地区)的;见于热带(地区)的,e.g.,Her motherland is in the tropical region.The Amazon river basin contains the worlds largest tropical rainforest.,testament: n. proof 证明,证据,e.g.,The new model is a testament to the skill and dedication of the workforce.This aircrafts safety record is an impressive testament to its designers skill., his extra-large T-shirt and drooping jeans were a testament to the widespread influence of American pop culture in Africa: his extra-large T-shirt and drooping jeans clearly demonstrated that American pop culture had a significant influence in Africa.,take a break: to take a short period of rest 休息一会儿,e.g.,Do you usually take a morning/afternoon break?I decided to take a break from college and do some travelling.,brisk: a. busy, energetic and active(生意)兴旺的;活泼的,轻快的,e.g.,Business is always brisk before Christmas.He set a brisk pace and we struggled to keep up.,incessant: a. never stopping, esp. in an annoying or unpleasant way 不停的,不断的,e.g.,We are tired of his incessant complaining.The incessant flow of traffic gets on my nerves.,visa: n. an official mark made in a passport which allows the holder to enter or leave a particular country(护照的)签证,e.g.,He asked for an extension of his visa.The UK recently denied visas to two suspected terrorists.,envy: vt. to have the unhappy feeling of wanting to be like sb. else or have what they have 羡慕,忌妒,e.g.,She has always envied my success.I envy you having such a close family.,innocence: n. quality or state of being innocent 无辜;清白;天真无邪,e.g.,The jurys role is to decide the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Children lose their innocence as they grow older.,be guilty of: to be justly chargeable with or responsible for a usu. grave breach of conduct or a crime 感到内疚;感到有罪,e.g.,Patrick knew that he was guilty of lying.This government is guilty of much talk and little action.,abroad: ad. in or to a foreign country or countries 在国外,在海外,e.g.,For a holiday abroad you need a valid passport.China tops the world with the number of people studying abroad.,Outwardly, I looked like the poster boy for success visiting from the United States. My white designer shirt and matching pants were straight from the great malls in Detroit, where I workedas an engineer. Inwardly, I was caught in a web of ambition andcultural disillusionment. My attire suggested affluence, yet I couldnot afford the numerous requests for money or to make gifts of mybelongings. Uncles and aunties who were prepared to mortgagetheir homes to help me leave 10 years ago now expected me tofinance cousins hoping to make the same move to4 the UnitedStates.,4.朝相同方向走去,1) What did the author look like outwardly?2) How did he feel inwardly? 3) What did the authors uncles and aunts who helped him out 10 years ago expect him to do now?,Questions About This Paragraph,Outwardly, he looked like the poster boy for success visiting from the United States.,Inwardly, he felt caught in a web of ambition and cultural disillusionment.,They now expected him to finance cousins who hoped to make the same move as he did to the United States. .,从外表上看,我是从美国回来探亲的成功人士的典范。我作为一名工程师在底特律工作,身上穿的白色品牌衬衫及与之相配的裤子是直接从底特律的大型购物商场购买的。而在内心深处,我却陷入一种雄心勃勃和文化幻灭交织的迷惘中。我的衣着使人联想到“富裕”,然而我却不能承担大量支付钱财的要求,或把我的财产当作礼物相赠。10年前曾准备抵押房产资助我去美国留学的叔叔阿姨们,现在指望我为打算步我后尘的堂表兄妹提供资金援助。,Chinese Version,outwardly: ad. 表面上;外表上,e.g.,Outwardly he is a perfect gentleman.Though badly frightened, she appeared outwardly calm.,e.g.,He was inwardly relieved that the test was cancelled.She groaned inwardly as she saw the fresh pile of work on her desk.,inwardly: ad. 在心灵深处;在内部,e.g.,ambition: n. a strong wish to be successful, powerful, rich, etc. 雄心,抱负,野心,His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.,cultural: a. connected with the culture of a particular society or group, its customs, beliefs, etc.; connected with art, literature, music, etc. 文化的;与文化有关的,e.g.,The orchestra is very important for the cultural life of the city.Australia has its own cultural identity, which is very different from that of Britain.,e.g.,attire: n. clothes, esp. of a particular or formal type 衣服;服装,I hardly think jeans are appropriate attire for a wedding.She was dressed in formal evening attire.,affluence: n. abundance of money, goods or property; wealth 丰富;富裕,e.g.,The 1950s were an age of affluence in America.They are the products of post-war affluence.,belongings: n. things that a person owns, esp. those which can be carried 财产;所有物,e.g.,She lost all her belongings in the fire.We came home to find our belongings scattered about the room.,or to make gifts of my belongings: or to give out my belongings as gifts,mortgage: vt. to give sb. the legal right to take possession of (a house or some other property) as a security for payment of money lent 抵押(房产等),e.g.,He will have to mortgage his land for a loan.,e.g.,Were having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments.,n. 抵押贷款,finance: vt. to provide the money needed for sth. to happen 为供给资金,The building project will be financed by the government.,e.g.,Unless we can get more finance, well have to close the store.,e.g.,n. (the management of ) a supply of money 财政;金融,make a move: to make a change of place or position; to do the action that you intend to do or need to do in order to achieve sth. (朝)走去;采取行动(或措施),Neither side is willing to make a move.Book publishers make a move toward mobile technology and online social networks to reach young readers.,e.g.,After two weeks in Ghana, the excitement of my homecoming had waned. I was broke and looking forward to5 returning to the States. This time, though, it would be without the naivet that had fueled my ambitious departure. Back then, the thought of someday resettling in Ghana afforded me unusual endurance. Now I face the challenges of life in America with a greater sense of permanency.,5.盼望,期待,1) What was the author expecting to do after two weeks in Ghana?2) What had given the author unusual endurance back when he left Ghana for the US?,Questions About This Paragraph,After two weeks in Ghana, the author was looking forward to returning to the States.,Back then, the thought of someday resettling in Ghanahad given him unusual endurance.,回到加纳两周之后,返乡的兴奋已经减退。此时的我已身无分文,渴望着返回美国。不过,这一次却不会再有那种曾激励我雄心勃勃地离开的幼稚想法了。想当年,有朝一日重回加纳定居的信念曾赋予我非凡的忍耐力。而现在,面对美国生活的挑战,我更希望永久定居在那里。,Chinese Version,look forward to: to anticipate (sth.) with pleasure 盼望,期待,e.g.,We look forward to the return of spring.I am familiar with his work and look forward to hearing his views on literary and artistic creation.,departure: n. the act of leaving a place 起程,出发,e.g.,Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure.They had received no ne


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